Why three-year-olds are worrying about their weight

First published on Friday 3 February 2017 Last modified on Friday 29 November 2019

A shocking study has found children as young as three have body image issues. And the research also found some four-year-olds know how to diet.

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The Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY), which carried out the research, revealed almost a third of nursery and school staff have heard a child call themselves fat.

Added to this, 10% of staff said they’d heard a child say they felt ugly and 71% believe children are becoming anxious about body image at a younger age.

So why are more and more children becoming bothered by their weight ... and why is it increasingly affecting pre-school children?

Dr Claire Halsey, a clinical child psychologist and parenting expert, told Netmums, ‘This is definitely something new. In our image-laden society children are simply reflecting what they hear and see.

'They don’t intrinsically perceive their body as fat or thin, healthy or unhealthy at the age of two, three and four. That’s not an important factor for them.

'For them to have body image issues or be using adult language about being ‘fat’ or needing to diet, this is something they’ve picked up from seeing or hearing something about food, weight and appearance.’

Body image issues in three-year-olds – the findings

The research, published last year, was carried out by PACEY and based on an online survey of 361 childcare professionals including nannies, nursery workers and childminders. It found:

  • 24% of childcare professionals have seen signs that children aged between 3 and 5 years old are unhappy with their appearance or bodies.
  • 47% of child carers have witnessed body image anxieties in 6-10 year olds.
  • Around one in five (19%) have also seen children reject food because ‘it will make them fat'.

According to eating disorders charity Beat, there is awareness of children as young as six developing anorexia. Girls and young women aged 10-20 are most at risk.

What causes body image issues?

It's not clear why there is a worrying trend for younger children to have body image issues. But Dr Jacqueline Harding, an adviser to the PACEY group, said contributing factors could include television and images in books, as well as hearing adults talking about dieting.

You might think your kids aren’t paying attention when you talk about your own weight or plans to diet, but in reality they are absorbing everything you say.

Dr Halsey says, ‘I think there are a lot of health messages out there being processed by young children and misinterpreted. They might be overhearing an adult having a conversation – for example, talking positively about needing to cut down the amount of sugar they are having to avoid getting fat.

'That’s difficult for a three-year-old’s brain to process. Rather than understand the point about adopting a healthier diet with less sugar, all they might hear is the word ‘fat’.

'It can help to be careful with language and switch to talking about a healthy lifestyle or getting ‘healthy’ rather than losing weight or being fat.

'We all underestimate what children take on board.'

Impact of the ‘selfie culture’

The rise of the selfie culture could also be playing a part in these body image issues. And seeing an older sibling take lots of selfies to post on Instagram and Snapchat – along with poring over images they see on social media - can also have an impact.

Dr Halsey says, ‘Every communication affects the child. If you have older children at an age when they are taking constant selfies for Instagram, remind them that their little brother or sister is watching them.’

Ask them to be mindful of the words they use to describe themselves. If they constantly use negative phrases about their appearance, it’s more likely the younger child will pick these up and start to use them, too.

Also, make sure your older children know the images are often doctored and that no one really looks like that. This, in turn, will filter down to your younger child.

Negative messages

While it’s very unlikely your kids will be watching diet shows on TV, it might be they pick up negative body image messages without you realising.

Dr Halsey says, “Sometimes you might be watching TV and you think your child is thoroughly engaged in another play activity in the room. In reality, they will be taking in whatever is being discussed on TV even while they are playing.’

More awareness

Another reason for this new trend of body image issues in younger children might be because they’ve never been asked about it before.

Dr Halsey says, ‘It may be because we’ve not asked the questions before and something that perhaps we could be more alert to in younger children.

'I would say that the most important people and place to support a healthy attitude to food and appearance is definitely in the family. At this age, the influence of parents is very effective in ensuring this does not become a problematic psychological issue.’

Dr Harding agrees and says, ‘It is about asking the right questions and acknowledging that younger children do have thoughts that previously, we don't give them credit for.

'We are beginning to acknowledge that young children have that mental capacity to think about themselves.’

No fat shaming

Kids whose parents told them they were too heavy - even at the age of four and five - went on to weigh more as adults than children of similar weight whose parents did not label them as fat, found a study by Liverpool University and Florida State University.

As such, experts say this ‘fat shaming’ can also lead children to try and diet and develop body image issues.

Warning signs to watch out for in your child … and how to respond

Dr Halsey has advice on what to look out for in your child, and what to do if you're worried:

1 If they start using language that isn’t ‘playground talk’
Most preschool children are more interested in whose turn it is on the slide or who has their favourite toy. So if they start using adult language - talking about weight or needing to watch what they are eating - that is something learnt or observed.

What to do: Stay calm, don’t assume this is a big issue but do pay attention to it if it persists, simply ask if something is bothering them and listen to what they say. It could be as simple as they’re repeating something said at school or more concerning, like name calling.

Change the focus of their attention onto a healthy lifestyle, rather than weight loss or diet.

2 If they start pretending to diet during imaginative play
For example if you notice diet related behaviour during imaginary play, such as in a play kitchen at home. This could include acting out scraping food off their plates because it’s too much for them to eat, or talking about watching what they eat.

What to do: Gently ask where they heard those words and what they think the words mean. Consider if this is something they’ve seen you do, and be mindful of how you speak about food and weight in future.

While you can’t edit everything you say, try and talk about a healthy lifestyle rather than fat and thin.

3 If they keep saying they are ugly
If it’s a one off, keep it low key and say they are anything but whatever they are calling themselves, and remind them how special they are.

If your child is repeatedly calling themselves fat or ugly, then it’s a good idea to sit down with them and explain that everyone is different but special. Take care not to repeat the words they are using to describe themselves.

What to do: Go through their class photo with them, explaining what makes each child different but special. For example, one wears glasses, one is tall, one has blonde hair.

You can also read them books like Elmer the Elephant, which is all about being unique, and why that is a good thing.

4 If they start refusing to eat at mealtimes
As most parents know, kids can be fussy eaters at the best of times and may naturally stop eating a food they’ve previously seemed to enjoy.

But if you notice a pattern of restricted eating and distress which lasts, then there may be something amiss.

What to do: Firstly, try and avoid any mealtime meltdowns by not getting cross if they refuse to eat. If they don’t want their broccoli, offer them more sweetcorn instead for example.

Also, recognise whether it’s a phase or if there is a pattern to them refusing to eat. If you are worried it’s an ongoing issue - perhaps connecting food and getting fat – have some quiet time together away from mealtimes and reassure them that they’re perfect to you.

When to get professional help

If your child is repeatedly refusing to eat and/ or is losing weight for no reason (in other words, they aren’t having a growth spurt) then talk to your health visitor, school nurse or GP.

How to encourage body confidence in your children

Dr Harding suggests the following tips to give your kids body confidence – no matter how young they are ...

  • Talk positively about food as fuel and how it gives us energy.
  • Lead by example and try to eat together as a family as much as possible.
  • Celebrate similarities and differences in others and focus on how it is good to be different.
  • Try not to discuss your own or other people’s weight with children.
  • Praise your child for who they are, rather than how they look.

Visit our Drop-In Clinic

Are you concerned your child has body image issues? Why not visit our Netmums Drop-In Clinic for expert advice from healthcare professionals.

If you are worried your child is trying to diet or is suddenly talking about their weight, why not talk to other mums in our Coffeehouse, below, for advice.