What to bulk buy in pregnancy to save on spends later

First published on Monday 3 August 2020 Last modified on Wednesday 5 May 2021


nappies stacked

We all know having a baby can be expensive - not easy when maternity pay probably means you have less money coming in. Here’s how to spread the cost to make feeling the pinch a little less painful

Whether you’re a first-time parent or you’re doing it for the second, third or fourth (gulp!) time, it doesn’t take a mathematician to tell you that it’s going to cost some money. From the big ticket items like cots and car seats, to the cheaper but repeat buys like nappies, it can - and does - all add up.

According to a survey by Myvouchercodes, the average parent spends £500 on their baby just during their first month!

What savvy shoppers have worked out though, is that by shopping for some items in pregnancy, we can take the pressure off our post-baby budget.


Here’s a list of what it can make sense to stock up on BEFORE your baby arrives:

1. Maternity pads

They’re not the world’s most glamorous item but no one sees them except you - well you and the check out guy. But you do tend to need quite a few of these in your first six weeks after the birth. Remember, they don’t need to be branded ‘maternity pads’ - you just need the thickest ones you can lay your hands on. So watch out for sales when you’re doing your supermarket shopping and chuck a few extra in your trolley. By the time your baby’s born, you’ll be sorted, saving you a splurge at the time - and your partner’s blushes when you realise you’ve run out and send them out for more!

2. Nappies

This is where the savings REALLY kick in. Babies - especially newborns - get through nappies at a rate of knots (we’re talking a dozen a day in the beginning) so it soon adds up cost-wise. Well, it does if you’re not savvy about it and buy them as you go.

The smarter way to tackle it is to stock up in pregnancy instead. Especially if you take advantage of bargain deals as and when they happen. Most retailers who stock baby items offer ‘baby events’ where you can make serious savings, like Aldi’s Baby & Toddler Specialbuy Events. The next of these is on 30 July 2020 - put it in your diary so you don’t forget! 

Remember, don’t be suspicious about low prices either. Long gone are the days where a low price meant low quality. In today’s value-driven world, baby product producers have gone the extra mile to ensure high standards at bargain basement prices. 

The success of Aldi’s Mamia range - particularly its nappies - are a case in point: you don’t pick up the number of awards their nappies have without being a best-in-show product. The low price tag is merely a bonus! 

Remember to calculate how many you think you’ll need of each size though - only buying size 1s may mean you have lots left when your baby moves up a size.

3. Cotton pads

While most of us move onto wipes eventually, cotton pads spritzed with cool, boiled water can be gentler on your baby’s skin when they’re brand new. Again, you’ll find you use plenty of them - not just for nappy changes but for top and tailing and general mop ups, too. So grab ‘em ahead of time.

4. Wipes

Whether you’re planning to use disposables, washables, or a mix of the two, it’s best to stock up on these in advance, too, as they’re not too bulky and therefore easy to stash away. Aldi Mamia Wipes offer great value for money.

5. Breast pads

Remember when Kate Middleton was spied buying these in her supermarket shop? Even royalty can’t get away without buying these. But don’t wait till your baby’s arrived. Buy them ahead of time to save having to buy armfuls in one go!

6. Food

For you that is. Newborns tend to take up EVERY waking moment - and a fair few of those where you’re meant to be asleep, too! - which doesn’t leave you much inclined to slaving over a hot stove. 

Filling your freezer and larder with ingredients for easy to throw together meals, or ready meals, in the run up to your baby’s arrival means you’ll never go hungry AND you won’t be tempted to splurge on Deliveroo and Uber Eats every evening, which can soon eat up all your pennies. 

We’d also recommend a stockpile of chocolate for when you get the middle-of-the-night feeding munchies… or maybe that’s just us ;).

7. Laundry detergent

Ask any parent and they’ll tell you NOTHING prepares you for the amount of washing a new baby creates! Which also means you’ll be going through litres of laundry liquid and fabric softener. 

And it isn’t always cheap. Or easy to carry! Making it the perfect thing to stock up on in pregnancy whenever you spy a great deal on it. Saving you £££s and a bad back later on.