What NOT to say to a woman with hyperemesis gravidarum

First published on Monday 1 August 2016 Last modified on Friday 13 August 2021

Kate Middleton and Amy Schumer

From Kate Middleton to Amy Schumer, hyperemesis gravidarum affects one in every 100 pregnant women so it's not rare, but it IS utterly debilitating. And what makes it 800 times worse is that the world simply doesn't get it and refers to it as 'extreme morning sickness.' Author Caitlin Dean, a three-time survivor of hyperemesis gravidarum, tells us what not to say to Amy, Kate or anyone else.

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Both Kate Middleton and comedian Amy Schumer famously revealed they struggled with hyperemesis gravidarum (HG).

In the third trimester of Amy's pregnancy it was so bad that she was forced to cancel her upcoming shows.

The comedian wrote on Instagram: 'I vomit mostly every time I ride in a car even for 5 minutes.'


Sound familiar? To anyone who's had HG, just the mention of it is enough to cause flashbacks.

Far from the odd waves of nausea and morning sickness that most women soldier through, women with HG are floored by a 24/7 feeling of having been poisoned; relentless vomiting that can spiral to up to 50 times a day; hospital trips to get rehydrated; plus difficult decisions about whether to take necessary medications to stay pregnant and stay alive.

And as if that wasn't enough, one of the hardest things about HG for the women that suffer from it is the lack of understanding from people around them.

Caitlin Dean, aka The Spewing Mummy, who recounts her experience of HG in, Hyperemesis Gravidarum – The Definitive Guide (£9.99,, has shared her top tips for what NOT to say to a woman with HG.

1 "Have you tried ginger?"

This has to be the most common suggestion women get when suffering HG from EVERYONE.

So much so that it’s become a verb in the HG world. To be Gingered.

So let me set you straight: ginger may help morning sickness, but it does NOT help HG. In fact it can make it worse, increase pain and reflux and is utterly horrendous to throw up.

Don’t believe me? Get some ginger capsules, take a couple and try … you won’t ever suggest it again!

2 "Oh I had that but I had to go to work"

Well then you didn’t have HG. That’s like saying to a friend with life threatening pneumonia, “Oh I had a cold the other day too but I didn’t make such a fuss - just get on with it.”

3 "On the bright side, at least you won’t have the baby weight to lose!"

Woohoo, it was so worth risking my life and my baby’s health and needing all those drips and costing the NHS a fortune and nearly losing my job because - whoopie! - I’m still thin!

4 "It's tougher on your partner, you know"

Find me the partner of an HG sufferer who agrees with this. Yes, it is extremely hard on the partners - it’s terrifying seeing your loved one suffer and many partners feel traumatised by the experience - but none of them claim it was actually harder on them.

5 "Should you be taking that medicine? It might harm your baby"

As if it wasn't hard enough accepting the offer of medication that's never been licensed for use in pregnant women (because no pregnant woman in her right mind would ever sign up to a drug trial), we have to put up with comments like this.

Little do the commentators know how many hours you spent discussing this with your doctor and reading everything you could get your hands on about the drugs in question - while vomiting at the same time, of course.

And little do they know that every doctor you speak to has assured you the drugs in question have never been shown to cause any harm and that HG, on the other hand, IS dangerous for both mum and baby.

6 "I loved every moment of pregnancy, it’s such a special time, creating life, glowing, blah blah blah"

Well bully for you.

7 "Oh, just like Kate Middleton!"

Yes, her and the other 10,000 - 20,000 women who get it every year. And all the women who died of it before drips were invented.

So what CAN you do to help?

Here are some things you can do and say to a woman with HG:

How can I help? Try to be of practical help so she can rest. A little-acknowledged symptom of HG is extreme fatigue. She really needs your help.
You're not alone. Send a text as often as possible, and tell her about Pregnancy Sickness Support, which provides support to women with HG.

For more information and posts about hyperemesis gravidarum, visit Caitlin's blog at

Caitlin Dean is a registered nurse and chairperson for UK charity Pregnancy Sickness Support. Involved in research and writing for the medical and lay press, she is spearheading the movement to improve care and treatment for HG in the UK.

Try Hyperemesis Gravidarum - The Definitive Guide by Caitlin Dean and Amanda Shortman. It is full of advice from potential treatments to coping strategies. See more details here at Amazon.

Have you suffered from HG? What did you do to help ease your symptoms? Share your stories in the forum thread, below.