Things that make primary school parents see RED

First published on Monday 24 January 2022 Last modified on Friday 28 January 2022

Left: Phone. Right: Phonics homework

While no one's more relieved that the kids are at school than parents, there are still some things that make us a tad cross some days. Agree?

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When you ask your kid how their day was

'We'll never ever complain about anything school related ever again', said every parent homeschooling their kids during lockdowns last year.

But while we may be overjoyed the schools have stayed open for the longest stint since they first closed in march 2020, that doesn't mean we've not had the odd gripe, whether it's about school admin or fellow parents. Gotta love being a primary school parent at times!

Here's what mostly makes us see red ... in the most appreciate way, of course!

1. Losing a school jumper

You've bribed your child to never take it off and labelled it. Twice. But unsurprisingly it doesn't work and ends up somewhere at school, never to be seen again.

There must be a whole pile of lost jumpers somewhere.

How hard can it be to reunite them with their 3ft owners?

2. When they come out of school dragging their coat along the ground

Why isn't it on.

And fastened up?!

3. Yet another own clothes' day

Great - more clothes to lose at school/get ruined with paint/ink/mud or whatever else but this time they're your own, not uniform!

And the cheek ... you have to pay for the privilege of sending them in, in their own clothes, having already bought uniform for every day.

It's for charity don't you know.

4. After-school clubs closed with zero notice

You've got your day all planned out and are relishing the fact that you can at least work or get stuff done until late afternoon. But no. Oh no.

Clubs are cancelled last-minute these days, thanks to anything from COVID to it being too cold/wet/muddy to play football outdoors.

5. The constant pinging of the class WhatsApp group

How. Does. Anyone. Get. Anything. Done?

If it isn't someone reporting a COVID case, it's an invite to a party or a moan about the school lunches. And then there's the ping as every single person replies.

Grr. Time to mute. Read more WhatsApp gripes here.

6. The office needing exact money

For something random. Tomorrow.

Who even has cash these days anyway? If you send a tenner in, will they keep the change?!

7. Head lice outbreaks

Another day, another letter about head lice outbreaks asking us to kindly check our child's scalp. Joy.

And then it kicks off on the WhatsApp group about who's to blame?!

Please lord, let it not be us (again).

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8. The 48-hour sickness rule

You get the dreaded call to tell you your child has been sick and, when you drop everything to pick them up, are reminded NOT in no uncertain terms to send them back until 48 hours after their latest sickness.

You're happy to stick to it but know a zillion parents who's child puked at the weekend and were back in school Monday morning.


9. School dinners vs packed lunches ping-pong

You constantly get told at pick-up your kid doesn't like the school lunches but refuse to send them in with packed lunches. Who has the time?!

If they don't eat they don't eat, is your view.

But thanks for the added guilt trip!

10. Phonics homework

You may have been lucky enough to see phonics first-hand when schools closed and your teacher did on-line lessons but it's all gone in one ear and out the other.

Nope, just don't get them.

11. Parents who go overboard with reminders

Ever noticed how some parents think they're class prefects now their child is at school?

There's always the super helpful mum who reminds everyone about everything the night before. Don't forget their water bottles/flu vaccine slips/wellies for tomorrow. And then get loads of thanks for reminding everyone.

Thanks but we are more than capable of remembering ourselves.

And even if we don't, we'll learn a valuable lesson!

Where do you stand on primary school peeves? Join in the chat with fellow school parents, below ...

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