buying guides

Your guide to buying the best pushchair for your baby

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Your baby’s pushchair is one of the most important pieces of gear that you’ll own as a parent, and making sure it’s the right model is key.

Choosing a pushchair is one of the biggest baby gear decisions you'll have to make – and with many models costing upwards of £250, you want to be sure that you've made the right choice for you and your baby.

So, to help you on your way, we've put together the ultimate guide to choosing, buying and using a pushchair.

1. What do I need to think about before buying a pushchair?


Before you shell out hundreds of pounds on a gleaming set of wheels that you'll hardly end up using, have a good think about your family’s lifestyle.

If you plan on keeping your baby close in the early months and carry your child in a sling, you may find that a pushchair will be pretty redundant initially.

If you live in a rural area, or go on lots of country walks, something more rugged that can cope with differing terrain would be a bonus.

Or if you'll be mainly travelling along busy city streets, a smaller model that’s more manoeuvrable might be on the cards.


With prices ranging from under £100 for a basic stroller to topping £1,000 for high-end deluxe brands, you'll find a pushchair whatever your budget.

Try not to be swayed by the fashionable high-end models if you're a bit strapped for cash, as you can always find reasonably priced models that still deliver on features and good looks.

Size and weight

Love the idea of an old-fashioned carriage pram or the latest chunky all-terrain? Don't forget that as well as pushing it, you'll have to lift it in and out of your car boot, up and down kerbs, and also squeeze through doorways and shopping aisles!

AND, remember that you'll have to store it somewhere. So if you have a teeny hallway or live on the fifth floor, a smaller, more compactly-built model might be the answer.

Remember to test it out

Always, always make sure you test a pushchair out before you buy. Whether you visit a shop, or take a friend's baby for a spin, making sure that you're happy with how it looks and feels is essential.

Remember you can always test it out in a shop and then look online for cheaper deals later on.

Is it suitable for the age of your child?

Newborns and toddlers have very different needs. A newborn needs to travel completely flat, either in a fully-reclined pushchair seat or in a carrycot-style pram, whereas a toddler needs a sturdy and roomy seat, which can recline for the occasional nap.

2. What types of pushchair are there to choose from?

Baffled by pushchair jargon?

If you don't know a pramette from a travel system, here's a breakdown of all the main types on the market:

Travel system
A travel system is a pushchair that can have a car seat attached to its chassis, making it easier to transport your baby from car to pushchair and back again – hopefully without waking them!

Most travel systems come as part of a 3-in-1 package.

These have a chassis that can have a carrycot attached for the early months, then a sturdy pushchair seat, and can be used with a compatible car seat, too.

There are also 2-in-1 systems.

These don't have a separate carrycot; instead the pushchair seat can be transformed into a lie-flat pod for newborns to travel in.

It’s important to remember when using the car seat, that a newborn should not spend more than two hours at a time in it.

Best for:

They’re flexible, and ideal for parents that use cars more frequently. 2-in-1s are better for families with less space, as you won't have to store a separate carrycot, too.

Lightweight buggies
Traditionally, a lightweight pushchair was used from around your child’s first birthday, after the from-birth pushchair began to feel too bulky.

This type is still on the market, but a new breed of 'super-mini' pushchairs has appeared, which have all the functionality of larger 'from-birth' prams, just in a smaller, easier-to-manoeuvre package. Most can be used as a travel system, too.

Best for:

City dwellers and regular public transport users.

All-terrain three wheelers

Not all three-wheelers are created equal – you’ll find everything from smart and compact models, perfect for city life, to highly engineered, sleek, running buggies, and huge all-terrain pushchairs that can tackle bumpy country paths with ease.

Having three wheels gives them a head start in the manoeuvrability stakes, and these models often have superior suspension and shock absorbers, too.

Best for:

Whether for jogging, rambling or pounding city streets, three-wheelers are a sporty and manoeuvrable option.

Double pushchairs

Double pushchairs can either be twin or tandem models. A twin has seats that are side-by-side, and tandems have seats one behind another.

Twin pushchairs, as the name suggests, are more suited to children of a similar age, whilst tandems are good for a combination of ages - a toddler and a newborn, for example.

Single-to-double models are another option, and ideal for growing families, as they can be converted for use with either one or two children depending on your needs at any time.

Best for:

Families who have two children needing to ride in a pushchair.

3. What key features should I look for?

Reversible seat
A pushchair with a seat that can rear and forward-face is ideal as in the early weeks and months you'll prefer to have eye-to-eye contact with your baby to give them reassurance, and then turn them world-facing when they need more stimulation.

Type of wheels
These are either air-filled (pneumatic) or solid. Pneumatic wheels are easier to push over bumpy ground, but are prone to punctures, so always make sure you have a puncture kit to hand. Wheels that can be locked or left to swivel are useful for travelling over varying terrain.

If you or your partner is particularly tall or short, an adjustable handle is a good idea so you can both push more comfortably.
Seat recline
Even if your child is a strapping toddler, a reclining seat is always useful for naps. Most models have at least two positions. Not all pushchairs are suitable from birth – the seat needs to be able to lie completely flat, which is the best position for a newborn’s breathing, and spine development.

How small is the fold?
Storage and transportation is often an issue – so check out the dimensions of a model when it's folded before you make a decision. Does it fit comfortably in your car boot, and is there space to store it in your hallway?

Where's the brake?
Brakes can either be operated by hand or foot. Hand-operated brakes are essential for running buggies as they give greater control. Test out the brake a few times to see that you can use it comfortably and correctly.

Shopping basket

If you frequently shop on foot, having an adequate basket to stash your haul is essential. Some models sacrifice storage space for a more compact build, so always check before you buy to see if you’re happy.

Car seat compatible

Being able to attach a car seat to your pushchair's chassis makes nipping to the shops easier. Many lightweight buggy-style models now have this added functionality as well as bigger from-birth pushchairs.


Buying additional items like a raincover, sun canopy or footmuff can bump up the price considerably, so it could be worth choosing a model that has these included as part of the package. You’ll definitely need a raincover, some sort of sun canopy and a footmuff if the pushchair has no apron.

4. Safety on the go

Here are our seven golden rules for using your pushchair safely.

1. Do your homework
When you get your new pushchair, always read the instructions carefully and familiarise yourself with all the moving parts before you take it out for its maiden voyage.

Practise using the brake, and fold and unfold it a few times so you feel comfortable using it out and about.

2. Use the safety straps
Always secure your child in the pushchair with the harness and never leave them unattended, even for a minute.

It’s tempting when you rush out of the house in the morning not to bother with the harness initially, but even a young, immobile baby can take a tumble.

3. Don’t carry extra children
Never allow more than the number of children the pushchair is intended for to travel in it, unless it’s on a specially made extra seat or buggy board.

Also, don’t carry children that are heavier than the pushchair’s maximum weight allowance, as this can make it unstable, too.

4. Check the locks

The first thing you need to do after unfolding your pushchair is to check that all of the locks and catches that keep it sturdy, upright and rigid, are secure.

You should do this every time you use it, and before you place your child inside.

5. Never overload your pushchair

Don’t hang shopping or other heavy items on the handles, as it could tip your pushchair over.

Make good use of the shopping basket underneath or invest in special bags that are designed to sit on either side of the buggy.

They come in pairs, so the weight is evenly distributed.

6. Always put your brake on

Even on flat, seemingly level ground, your pushchair could easily roll away.

ALWAYS put the brake on every time you need to stop, whether you’re waiting to cross the road, or stopping to chat to someone in the street.

Get into the habit of doing this religiously.

7. Remove the raincover

Remember to always remove the raincover when your child is in direct sunlight, and also when you bring the pushchair inside – even if your child is sleeping and it risks waking them.

Leaving it on will make them get very hot, and there's a risk of overheating.


Key things to think about

  • Think carefully about your budget and lifestyle before choosing your pushchair.
  • Give your chosen model a roadtest before you commit to buy.
  • Make sure you choose the right type of model for your child's age and needs.
  • Ensure a model has all the key features you need.
  • Always follow our rules for safety on the go.

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