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How to buy the best all-terrain pushchair for your lifestyle

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Long country walks don’t have to be a thing of the past when you have a baby or toddler, but the right type of pushchair will make them an awful lot easier.

There’s nothing worse than battling to push a flimsy, small-wheeled stroller over muddy, uneven ground, but the latest all-terrain pushchairs are more than capable of tackling off-road adventures.

You can see our round-up of the best all-terrain pushchairs on the market here.

So what should you look for in a pushchair made for rural living and country walks?

What should I look for in an all-terrain pushchair?

The main distinguishing feature of all-terrain pushchairs is their wheels.

They are generally three-wheeler styles, which makes them easier to push on rough ground.

The front wheel usually swivels for manoeuvrability, but make sure it can also be locked into a fixed position.

This will improve the handling on particularly bumpy ground like gravel or woodland paths.

All-terrain buggies usually have air-filled tyres, either on all of the wheels or just on the back wheels.

The Urban Jungle pushchair by Mountain Buggy has air-filled tyres, which makes going over lumps and bumps in the road much easier. Suitable from birth, you can buy it here from Amazon for around £450.

These pneumatic tyres are good for rough terrains, and help to absorb bumps so your baby is more comfortable.

However, they’re prone to punctures.

Some buggies come with their own air pump and puncture repair kit, but if not, it’s well worth buying these and keeping them in the pushchair.

Alternatively, you can fill the tyres with a special expanding foam (designed for bike tyres); this will make for a slightly firmer ride, but prevents punctures.

Why is an all-terrain pushchair's suspension so important?

As well as the wheels, the other factor that influences how well an all-terrain pushchair handles – and how comfortable it is for your baby – is the suspension.

Pushchairs may have no suspension at all, or have it on just the rear wheels, or on all of the wheels.

All-wheel suspension gives the smoothest ride as the springs absorb the shocks delivered by the uneven ground. However, the more engineered a pushchair is, the more expensive it tends to be.

Suspension isn’t the be-all and end-all where comfort is concerned.

The design of the seat also plays a big part, and a seat that is spacious, well padded and shaped to the contours of your baby’s body can help to make up for a lack of suspension in many cases.

In terms of pushing comfort, one thing to look out for is a height-adjustable handlebar.

This will be a real asset if you enjoy going out for family walks and you and your partner are different heights.

It also means you can adjust the height depending on where you’re walking, for example raising it up so you can get your weight behind the buggy while pushing it uphill.

Out 'n' About's Nipper pushchair has lots of nifty features, including a height-adjustable handle, removable wheels, plus enhanced rear suspension. Available in both single and double models, it's a well-priced all-terrain pushchair that rings for under £250. Buy it here.

Check out the brakes, too. Most pushchairs have foot-operated brakes, but these can be tricky to use if you’re wearing wellies or walking boots.

Hand-operated brakes, with a switch or lever on the handlebar, may suit better, and you won’t need to worry about transferring mud from pushchair to shoes on days when you’re not out walking in the wild.

What accessories do I need for an all-terrain pushchair?

If you like to make the most of the great outdoors, you’ll need to make sure that your pushchair has all the accessories needed to keep your baby cosy.

A snug foot muff is a must to keep him warm and protected from the wind, but make sure it can be easily removed and washed if it gets muddy.

You should also look for a generously sized canopy, which will offer protection from sun and wind, and a rain cover that is easy to attach and fits securely, to avoid leaks in bad weather.

These added extras may be included in a buggy bundle, or be available to buy separately.

So, while it may seem like even a trip to the corner shop is a mammoth expedition right now, once you’ve picked the best all-terrain pushchair for your lifestyle, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy al fresco adventures with your baby.

With some good suspension, decent wheels and a comfy seat, you’ll be able to go off the beaten track whenever the mood takes you.

Read on:

• The most lightweight and compact buggies EVER

• The best travel systems that cost less than £500

• The ultimate guide to buying a pushchair

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