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The best UK travel systems for under £500 2022

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Many parents opt for getting a travel system right from the start because it comes with everything you need to go out and about with your baby.

A travel system is a type of pram or pushchair that can be used with a rear facing car seat and usually a compatible carrycot, too.

The car seat and carrycot can both click on and off the stroller's chassis, which can be handy when you don't want to wake a sleeping baby.

Lightweight (and often cheaper) stroller models don't always have a separate carrycot, just a from-birth pushchair seat or newborn 'pod'.

With prices ranging from around £200 all the way up to around £1200, it's important to find a travel system that suits your budget as well as your lifestyle.

Here are our favourites that ring in for under £500 (if you've got pounds to spare see our round-up of more expensive models here) with strollers by brands such as Joie, Bugaboo, Graco, Mamas & Papas and Ickle Bubba.

What is a baby travel system?

A baby travel system is a pushchair that's designed so you can attach different pieces of baby equipment to its frame depending on your needs. It is suitable from birth and as everything you need to transport your baby for the first few months.

Travel systems normally consists of a seat unit, carrycot and a from birth car seat which can all be clicked on or off a pushchair chassis. It has great advantages over a normal stroller as you can leave your baby to sleep in the car seat and then move it from car to pushchair chassis (and back again!) without disturbing them.

Some travel system just have a pushchair seat that can be reclined completely flat to be used by a newborn, with no separate carrycot. This type of pushchair is a good idea if you don't have much space to store an often bulky carrycot, but you still need to make sure that your baby is still cosy, so investing in a nest or foot muff is a good idea.

What are the best travel systems for babies?

Most of the leading baby pushchair brands have a travel system model in its ranges. These include Bugaboo, iCandy, Britax, Silver Cross, Maxi Cosi and Joie.

Retailers such as Amazon, Argos, John Lewis and Boots all sell baby travel systems. You can also visit specialist nursery gear retailers such as Uber Kids, Samuel Johnston and Kiddies Kingdom. Mainly retailer have special offers if you buy a pushchair and a car seat in a bundle and often have free delivery, too. Read other parent's reviews to get an idea of how good the model is.

You can buy travel systems in several different ways. You can buy the stroller separately and then add all the compatible pieces, shopping around for the best deals from different retailers. Or you can buy your chosen travel system in a bundle, which includes a pram or stroller, car seat and often lots of other accessories too such as a rain cover or changing bag. This is often the cheapest way, as retailers often have special offers on a bundle.

Why are baby travel systems good?

A travel system is a great idea if you use your car frequently as you can move your child's car seat from back seat to pushchair chassis – without waking them up.

What features should you look for in baby travel systems?

The most important thing to remember about choosing a travel system for your baby is that it's not just about the pushchair – the car seat is just as important – if not more so!

Making sure that a car seat fits into your make and model of car and has safety features, such as Isofix, is the first thing you should research when buying a travel system.

If you want a travel system with a bit more longevity, another option is to choose a pushchair that can can convert from a single to a double as your family grows. This type of pushchair can last for years and can be a better option that a traditional double stroller.


Check to see what accessories are included with your chosen pushchair, as it's handy to not have to pay extra for a rain cover or sun canopy.

Another stroller accessory that's useful for parents is a shopping basket – the larger the better! A roomy shopping basket is a must for keeping all your essentials to hand on trips out, especially if you want to avoid using your car to go to the shops.

A large sun canopy can be useful not only during hot weather, but also as an added protection against wind and rain.


Some strollers have a hand operated brake. A hand brake is a useful feature as it's often easier to use than a foot brake if you're wearing wellies or bulky walking shoes.

Car seat

Your chosen travel system pushchair will be compatible with certain infant car seats. Some models are compatible with quite a few models, some only one or two.

So, as well as checking out the pram or pushchair's features, it's very important to research suitable car seats, too!

Car seats that are designed for newborns are always rear facing.

An infant car seat that has Isofix fittings is always recommended – this creates a safer, more rigid connection between car and car seat.

A car seat with Isofix fittings will either connect directly to a car's chassis or lock into a separate car seat base which is often sold separately.

Look for an infant car seat that is an i-Size model, too. i-Size is the new standard in car seat safety and promotes rear facing for longer and enhanced side impact protection.

A lie-flat model is the best type of car seat for a newborn to travel in, meaning that your child can spend longer in their car seat with minimum risk to their health or development.

Newborns should lie completely flat when they are sleeping, even when travelling by car, to help with breathing and healthy spine development.

This type of from birth car seat does tend to be more expensive, though.

Some lie-flat car seats are infant carriers, with a useful carrying handle and can also be used as a baby seat outside of the car. Others, such as the Matrix Light 2, by Spanish baby brand Jané, are designed like a carrycot and can even be used for occasional overnight sleeping.

Brands of lie-flat car seat include Cybex, Britax, Maxi Cosi, Jané and Joie. You can buy them from retailers websites such as Amazon, John Lewis, Argos and Samuel Johnston. Many of these retailers offer free delivery for added value.


Newborns need to lie flat and also keep warm and cosy, so buying a travel system with a compatible carrycot can be a great idea. Some carrycots can even be used for overnight sleeping. They can be bulky and hard to store however, so parents should consider this before they buy. Another option is to buy a system that has a newborn pod, or a pushchair seat that can recline flat. This gives a baby the flat position without having to buy a separate carrycot. Many more compact and lightweight travel systems, designed for urban life, have seats with this capability.


Always check to see how easy it is to fold a pram or pushchair and also how small it folds. Remember it needs to be light enough to carry and also fit easily into your car boot!

Travel system prams and pushchairs come in all shapes and sizes – some are lightweight with a compact fold, others are much more bulky and designed for going off road and rural life.


Look for well-padded seat that can be either forward or parent facing.

Younger babies will prefer a forward facing seat so they can still make eye contact with their parents – older babies might like to see more of the world!

The pushchair seat should be adjustable and have at least two or three recline positions so that children can nap on the go.

For newborns a carrycot or a seat that can be reclined to a fully flat position is a must. Sometimes a carrycot come as part of the travel system package or you have to buy one separately.


Good all-round suspension is essential for making your baby as comfortable as possible and cushioning them from bumps in the pavements. Always test-drive a pushchair to see how it handles and how well it tackles uneven terrain. This is especially important if you live in the country or plan to go on long walks. Look for large wheels which give your baby a smoother ride over bumps (air-filled are a plus but they do puncture, so always carry a repair kit) are essential.


Removable wheels can be a bonus, especially for limiting mess in your car and hallway when your stroller gets muddy and giving it a more compact fold.

You'll also be able to choose between solid or air filled tyres. Solid tyres are puncture-proof, but wheels filled with air do create a more bump-free and smoother ride.

Some strollers have three wheels, with one larger wheel at the front. This can be useful for navigating the pushchair up and down kerbs and make the pushchair much more easy to push over bumpy terrain.

How much does a baby travel system cost?

You can spend anything from around £150 to over £1000, depending on what make and model of pushchair or car seat you choose.

Basic prams and pushchairs can be snapped up for well under £200, often with accessories such as a car seat (and sometimes with a car seat base, too) thrown in as an extra, or if you fancy something more luxe, choose one of the designer strollers with hefty price tickets such as Bugaboo, iCandy and Joolz.

These strollers all have similar features, but the quality and materials used is often far superior the more money you have to spend.

There are however a good range of mid-priced baby pushchair brands that offer quality and good value such as Joie, Britax and some Cybex models.

Read on:

The best lightweight travel systems

The best travel systems for your baby

The best newborn prams

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