​​8 reasons young women are having the COVID vaccine – and why you should consider it too

First published on Wednesday 23 February 2022 Last modified on Friday 18 March 2022


three smiling friends

If you’ve not had your COVID-19 vaccine or booster yet, there may be a variety of reasons why. Perhaps you’ve heard the scare stories on social media about fertility or you’re worried it could be harmful in pregnancy.

While it’s okay to feel a bit apprehensive, the vaccine is the best way to protect your baby, and you, from getting seriously ill from the virus.

To help put your mind at ease, we’ve fact-checked (and busted!) some of the most common rumours you may have heard. We’ve also spoken to medical experts who reveal the reasons other women just like you opted to have the COVID-19 vaccine.

1. They know it won’t affect their fertility

Contrary to unsubstantiated claims on social media, having the COVID vaccine doesn't affect fertility. In fact, studies have shown it has no effect on women or men’s fertility so it’s safe to have the vaccine if you’re considering starting (or expanding) your family.

While the vaccine can cause a temporary change in your menstrual cycle – from being late to heavier periods – a new study found these changes don’t last long. And, the experts say, it doesn’t impact fertility. 

Netmums’ official midwife Sarah Joy Owens says:

‘Any new vaccine or medicine in the UK has to be approved by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Once it is approved, the MRHA then closely monitors vaccines for any side-effects and to assess its effectiveness.

'Latest figures from the MRHA show over 36,000 reports of changes to periods/cycles and unexpected vaginal bleeding from women who have had the vaccine. Although most of these changes were reported to be temporary, the British Medical Journal has, rightly, said more research into this possible side-effect is needed.’

2. They know it’s safe to have in pregnancy

Deciding whether to have a COVID vaccine in pregnancy is a hot topic in our Netmums forum. If this is a concern for you, rest assured it’s safe to have at ANY stage of pregnancy.

In fact, being triple jabbed (two doses and a booster) is the best way to protect you and your unborn baby from the virus. That’s because pregnant women who get COVID are more at risk of getting seriously ill. There is sadly also an increased risk their babies could be born prematurely or even stillborn. 

Making sure you’re fully vaccinated is the best way to keep you and your baby safe.

Sarah says:

‘The risks of becoming unwell with COVID when you are pregnant, or it affecting your baby, are greater when you are unvaccinated which is why midwives, doctors, and our professional bodies recommend having the vaccine. 

‘I can understand how protective women feel about their unborn babies and how they may be concerned about the vaccine especially with it being so new but all the research (on about 200,000 women) shows no adverse effects for pregnant women and their babies.’

3. They know the vaccine can’t give you COVID

Heard the misconception that the COVID-19 vaccine contains the live virus? Our experts are happy to say this is 100% untrue. None of the vaccines have COVID in them and you can’t get the virus from having your two primary doses or booster.

Instead the vaccines help your body develop immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19 without you having to get it. 

Dr Rachel Ward, a GP from Oxfordshire, says:

‘There is no possible way that the vaccine can give you a COVID infection. The vaccine consists of a protein or mRNA rather than a whole virus and your body will mount an immune response to the vaccine.’ 

4. They know it’s safe to have when you’re TTC

There’s lots of misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine, but especially around having it when you’re trying to get pregnant. Which makes TTC so much more stressful.

Yet the scare stories doing the rounds on social media are just that … stories. The vaccine is totally safe to have when you’re trying for a baby AND it won’t stop you getting pregnant.

What’s more, when you do get pregnant, the vaccine can help protect your baby from COVID too.

‘The vaccine may actually help protect your baby from COVID-19 as it contains a protein that helps your body produce antibodies against it’, says Sarah. ‘Unlike the vaccine, these antibodies cross the placenta to the baby offering them increased protection.’

5. They know it’s safe to have even if you’re having IVF

Having fertility treatment can be stressful: from the IVF cycle itself to the dreaded two week wait. Added to the mix for some women is uncertainty over whether to have the COVID-19 vaccine during the process.

The good news is the vaccine will have zero impact on your IVF. The British Fertility Society says you can have the vaccine and start your treatment straight away.

Midwife Sarah says:

‘Having the vaccine is probably even more important in terms of protecting you and your baby. Women who have had IVF are at a slightly increased risk of developing pre-eclampsia, and we know contracting COVID can also increase the risk of pre-eclampsia too.’

6. They know the vaccine hasn’t been ‘rushed’

The speed at which the vaccines went from development to actual doses was amazing.

And while some people claim it was rushed, the fact is the vaccines weren’t created from scratch when the pandemic began. Instead, work on what was to become the COVID-19 vaccine had already started after a huge Ebola outbreak in 2014.

Another factor that sped up the process was money … and lots of it! Scientists usually have to wait for funding but this wasn’t the case for the COVID-19.

Added to this was the volunteers who were quickly recruited for the trials and the dedication of the scientists who put their own work on hold to find a vaccine. 

Not only does it work, it also meets the strictest of safety standards. 

Dr Ward says: 

‘The development and roll out of the COVID vaccines has been an incredible scientific achievement. Due to the severe and desperate situation we found ourselves in, COVID became the focus of virologists, immunologists and vaccine scientists across the globe.

'They worked round the clock to develop a vaccine, based on many years of vaccine knowledge and experience. This vaccine was not rushed. There was a crisis and the appropriate response took place.’

7. They know any side effects are mild

Okay, so having an injection is never the most fun. And the COVID-19 vaccine is no exception. But any side effects, from a numb arm to tiredness, are all temporary. You are unlikely to get ill from the vaccine. Instead, you’ll be protected from getting COVID and potentially getting very sick, or even developing ‘long COVID’.

‘Like many vaccines, you may get some mild side effects after having it’, says Dr Ward. ‘They are most commonly a sore arm, fever, headache, muscle aches. Some people get no side effects at all. In the vast majority of cases you will feel back to normal within 48 hours and simple treatment like paracetamol and fluids can resolve the symptoms.’

8. They know there’s no time to waste

Every day without a COVID vaccine is a day spent risking your future health. This is something women everywhere are fully aware of, and one of the key reasons millions of them are already vaccinated.

You can book your vaccine, or find your nearest walk in centre here, or by calling 119.

You can follow Dr Ward on Instagram, @drrachelwardgp