Postnatal depression: talking to your GP

First published on Wednesday 21 September 2016 Last modified on Monday 7 December 2020

In light of it being World Maternal Health Month, Netmums is helping spread the word about how vital it is for women – and their family and friends – to find help and support for perinatal mental health problems. If you think you are suffering from postnatal depression (PND), here's how to talk to your GP or health visitor about it.

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What to do if you think you might have PND

Around one in 10 new mums experience postnatal depression. It usually develops within six weeks of giving birth and can come on gradually or all of a sudden.

Symptoms can range from being relatively mild to very severe.

So what should you do if you think you might have symptoms of PND?

Tommy's (which provides pregnancy health information for parents-to-be) says the best advice for women concerned about postnatal depression is to talk to someone.

Here's what Tommy's says to do if you're worried you may have PND:

'Tell your midwife, health visitor or doctor how you feel. You may feel very distressed or guilty at feeling low at a time when everyone expects you to be happy, but postnatal depression is not your fault.

'The midwife, health visitor or doctor won’t criticise you or judge you for having these feelings – they know this happens to many new mothers, and they will discuss and organise treatments so you can get better.

'The important thing is to let someone know so that the right help can be found as soon as possible.'

Of course, talking to someone sounds easy but it can be a daunting prospect.

Here's some help and guidance on talking to someone about postnatal depression.

How to talk to your GP about PND

It can be hard to know how to talk to your doctor about postnatal depression – especially when you’re not feeling like yourself. But it’s important to remember that there is no wrong way to tell someone how you’re feeling.

Here are some things to consider, from mental health charity MIND:

  • Be honest and open.
  • Focus on how you feel, rather than what diagnosis you might meet.
  • Try to explain how you’ve been feeling over the past few months or weeks, and anything that has changed.
  • Use words and descriptions that feel natural to you – you don’t have to say specific things to get help.
  • Try not to worry that your problem is too small or unimportant – everyone deserves help and your doctor is there to support you.

GP appointments are usually very short, and if you’re feeling nervous you might forget to say things you think are important. Being prepared can help you get the most out of your appointment.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Write down what you want to say in advance, and take your notes in with you.
  • Give yourself enough time to get to your appointment, so that you don’t feel rushed or stressed.
  • If you’re feeling nervous, let your doctor know.
  • Think about taking someone with you to support you, like a close friend or family member.
  • If you’ve talked to your family or friends about how you feel, practise what you might say to your GP with them.
  • Highlight or print out any information you’ve found that helps you explain how you’re feeling.

As many of us find it difficult to talk about our thoughts and feelings, Tommy's also advocates writing down what you want to say first, or taking someone with you to the appointment.

Doing this can help ensure you don't leave without giving your GP the full story of how you're feeling.

Download and fill in this form from The SMILE Group (put together by mums who have all suffered postnatal depression) to help convey how you're feeling.

Mind, who campaign for additional support for people with mental health issues, have a useful video that gives more information about how to talk to your GP.

Talking to your GP about PND; what happens next?

The good news is that just talking to your GP and admitting to feelings of PND can offer a huge sense of relief to mums. And rightly so; this is a huge step in treating postnatal depression.

What's more, postnatal depression can be treated.

Tommy's describes it as 'a temporary illness that you can recover from.'

However, there is no one size fits all treatment for postnatal depression. Treatment depends on the individual and the severity of the depression but here, MIND explains what your GP may discuss with you:

Talking treatments – for example, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or interpersonal therapy (IPT), which are short-term therapies recommended by NICE for depression.

Thanks to IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) services, the NHS is able to offer talking therapies, often with very short waiting times. Many IAPT services have a specialist perinatal team and prioritise treatment for those individuals in the perinatal period. It's worth knowing that it's possible to ask your GP for a referral, or even self-refer to your local IAPT service.

What if your doctor isn't helpful?

Very few people find their doctor to be unapproachable or unhelpful. If you do find this, then ask to see another doctor in the practice.

If you're prescribed antidepressants, but then decide you really don't want to take them, go back and discuss this with your GP. Don't just put them in the cupboard and walk away, or stop taking them if you've started them already.

Talk about the possible alternatives - some GPs are now prescribing 'exercise', as exercise classes are known to help.

Talking to your health visitor about PND

Another option is to talk to your health visitor about how you're feeling.

In many areas of the country your health visitor will arrange to see you regularly in the first six weeks of having your baby. As she will come to your house, it gives you an opportunity to talk about your mood and feelings in the comfort of your own home.

Health visitors are often extremely knowledgeable about postnatal depression and many have counselling skills. They can give you extra support through home visits and some are eventrained to offer counselling for postnatal illness.

In some areas, health visitors use a questionnaire called the Edinburgh Post Natal Depression Scale or EDPS, as a basis for the discussion. It is a short series of questions where you are asked to rank your thoughts and feelings over the past week.

If you are asked to fill this in, try to be honest. Your health visitor knows that postnatal depression is very common, and that it's NOT anything to do with a failure to cope or being a bad mother.

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) recently launched the results of a survey of over 2300 women about their experiences of mental health problems during and after pregnancy.

It found that 32% of women didn't realise that healthcare professionals could help them.

Read it in full here.

Source: RCOG

Getting support

If you are feeling low during or after your pregnancy, be sure to visit our Postnatal Depression board. One of our sympathetic experienced team can help guide you in the direct direction for support and information.

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