Picky eating linked to mental health problems

First published on Friday 19 August 2016 Last modified on Friday 29 November 2019

Child eating dinner while mum pours milk

Spaghetti up the walls, broccoli on the floor, tears and tantrums ... meal times with toddlers and kids can be messy - not to mention stressful - affairs for parents.

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So it isn't helped by today's headlines reporting that picky eating could be a sign of mental health disorders.

But before you panic - after all, who hasn't got or had a picky eater in the family at some point? - researchers who have linked fussy eating to mental health disorders have highlighted the need for more support for parents. This could help establish when picky eating is more than just 'a phase' and is worth seeking help over.

A study published today has linked 'selective eating' to depression, social anxiety and generalised anxiety. It instantly made the health and parenting headlines. However, its lead author has called for more research, treatment and interventions to help affected children.

According to the study, published today in the journal Pediatrics, over 20 percent of children aged 2 to 6 are selective eaters. About 3 percent were classified as 'severely selective', meaning that their eating habits limited their ability to eat with others.

Lead author Nancy Zucker, Ph.D., wants to help parents and doctors work out when picky eating stops being a nuisance and becomes a real problem.

Dr Zucker, director of the Duke Center for Eating Disorders, said:

"The children we're talking about are not just misbehaving kids who refuse to eat their broccoli."

The study of 3,433 children found that those with both 'moderate' and 'severe' selective eating, showed more symptoms of depression, social anxiety and generalised anxiety.

The good news for most parents, however, is that children with moderate picky eating were no more likely than non-selective eaters to have been diagnosed with a psychiatric condition.

However, children with 'severe' selective eating were more than twice as likely to have a formal diagnosis of depression.

Dr Zucker went on to say:

"These are children whose eating has become so limited or selective that it's starting to cause problems.

Impairment can take many different forms. It can affect the child's health, growth, social functioning, and the parent-child relationship. The child can feel like no one believes them, and parents can feel blamed for the problem."

The findings also suggest that parents have regular conflicts with their children over food. This doesn't always result in the child eating, Dr Zucker said, and both families and doctors need new tools to address the problem. She said:

"Not all children go on to have chronic selective eating in adulthood. But because these children are seeing impairment in their health and well-being now, we need to start developing ways to help these parents and doctors know when and how to intervene."

Dr Zucker said that heightened senses was sometimes a reason for refusal to eat. These children find the smell, texture and tastes of certain foods overwhelming. After having a bad experience with a certain food, they might develop anxiety when trying another new food or being forced to try the offensive food again.

Dr Zucker blamed a lack of research for the absence of effective remedies. She said:

"What's hard for physicians is that they don't really have data to help predict which children will age out of the problem and which children won't, and so they're trying to do the best they can with limited information and interventions."

Some children may benefit from therapy, but new interventions are needed to deal with children who have sensory sensitivity, Zucker said.

Since there is now a proven link between picky eating and mental health, Zucker says this could be helpful for identifying which children may be at risk from anxiety and depression:

"It's a good way to get high-risk children into interventions, especially if the parents are asking for help."