How to start running

First published on Tuesday 17 January 2017 Last modified on Monday 1 February 2021

Feet and hands in running starting position

If you're keen to start running but haven't done much more than run for a bus in years, don't worry. Our beginners' guide will help you plan how to do it safely and sensibly so that you'll be pounding the pavements in no time. Ready, steady, run ...

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If there's a keen runner inside you just waiting to be unleashed, you're in the right place. In our beginners' guide to running we'll cover everything you need to avoid injury, reach goals and get fit.

Find out how to:

  • warm up and cool down
  • start running
  • stay motivated
  • reach goals


  • what to eat and drink before and after running
  • whether it's safe to run when you're TTC, pregnant or breastfeeding
  • what the benefits are
  • what to buy

What are the benefits of running?

Running is a great all-round activity that's totally free and can be done even if, as a busy parent, you haven’t exercised in years.

Just by building up slowly, you'll notice your fitness improve quite quickly – just the incentive you need to stick at it.

You could even look into signing up to a 5k or 10k race too. Having a goal in mind is a great way to keep moving forward with your running.

Running can also help you burn anywhere from 200-500 calories in 30 minutes, so not only is running great for fitness, it can help with weight loss, too. Losing weight can help reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Other benefits of running include:

  • Helping with stress – heard of ‘runner’s high’? It's the buzz that you get from running (or any aerobic activity) thanks to all those stress-relieving endorphins it produces.
  • Being good for your heart – running improves your cardiovascular fitness by strengthening your heart and lowering your resting heart rate, reducing the risk of heart attack.
  • Helping you sleep – research suggests that getting enough exercise can help us sleep better and for longer – essential for sleep-deprived parents!
  • Strengthening your knees – done correctly, running can actually strengthen your joints. It’s also known to increase bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis (a condition that weakens bones as you get older).
  • Being great 'me time' – even if you just go for a short run around the block, running is a brilliant way to get some much-needed 'me time' – something every parent needs!

Here are our top tips for getting started with running ...

How to warm up

Before you head out on a run, it's important to warm up and stretch your muscles. Research shows that it'll help you get more out of your workout and it also helps you to avoid injury.

Be sure to stretch your quads, hamstrings, and calves properly before you get started.

Watch how to do a warm up in the video below, or check out our complete guide to warming up and cooling down.

Start a running plan

It doesn’t matter how unfit or inexperienced you feel, if you want to start running, you can. Just be sure to check with your GP first if you have any kind of health condition.

However, rather than just going out and running for as long as you can (and collapsing in a heap after a few minutes), it's a good idea to follow a specific plan so that you can build up your strength and stamina slowly.

Here's how the NHS ‘couch to 5K’ walk-run programme suggests you start running:

Week 1

  • a brisk 5-minute warm-up walk
  • run for one minute
  • walk for 90 seconds
  • alternate your run and walk until you've done 20 minutes in total
  • repeat three times a week

Week 2

  • begin with a brisk five-minute walk
  • run for 90 seconds
  • walk for two minutes
  • alternate your run and walk until you've done 20 minutes in total
  • repeat three times a week

Week 3

  • begin with a brisk five-minute walk
  • run for 90 seconds, walk for 90 seconds then repeat this step
  • run for three minutes, walk for three minutes then repeat this step
  • repeat three times a week

The times during which you run will gradually increase as the weeks go on, with the time spent walking gradually decreasing.

Find the rest of the couch to 5k running plan here. Within nine weeks, training three times a week, you should be able to run for 30 minutes (that’s around 5km, or 3.1 miles) non stop.

Don't forget to include rest days, as this gives your joints time to recover.

If you’ve run in the past, you might find the programme seems too easy at first – or that your fitness quickly returns and you want to do more.

If this is the case, then great. But take care to work up your speed and distance gradually, and always warm up and cool down properly to avoid injury.

How to run: posture tips for running

The correct posture when you're running can help you avoid injury and make running easier, too.

According to Runner's World, here's how you should aim for the perfect running posture:

  • Look straight ahead – you want your head to be relaxed without your chin jutting forwards.
  • Relax your shoulders – they should be 'low and loose' not creeping up towards your ears. They also need to remain level and shouldn't dip from side to side with each stride.
  • Keep your hands in an unclenched fist – they should swing forwards and back not across your body as you run.
  • Stand tall – don't slouch as you run.
  • Use your feet – with each step, your foot should hit the ground lightly, landing between your heel and middle of your foot, then quickly roll forward. As you roll onto your toes, try to spring off the ground.
Correct running posture

Don't forget to cool down

Cooling down after a run is just as important as warming up. It helps avoid injury and will also stop you from feeling stiff and sore the next day.

To see how to do four key post-run cool down stretches in this short video:

How to stay motivated: music to run to

Nothing keeps you motivated during a run like music can. You only have to look online to find running playlist suggestions and albums specially compiled to power you through a run.

According to music streaming source, Spotify, these are a few of its top 100 workout songs to download:

  1. Eminem – 'Til I Collapse
  2. Kanye West – Stronger
  3. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Can't Hold Us
  4. The Chainsmokers – Closer
  5. Calvin Harris/Rihanna – We Found Love
  6. Avicii – Wake Me Up
  7. Imagine Dragons – Radioactive
  8. Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber – I Don't Care
  9. Tones & I – Dance Monkey
  10. Survivor – Eye of the Tiger

What should I eat and drink before a run?

What you should eat before you go for a run depends on how far you’re going – and how fast.

When you eat is also important: if you’ve had a large meal, wait between two and four hours before running.

If you’ve only eaten a smaller snack, wait between 30 minutes and two hours (depending on how big your snack was.)  

Before a short jog
If you’re new to running and just going for a short jog, your body will burn fat for energy.

This means you don’t need to eat lots of carbs for energy – a high protein meal or snack before you go for a run will be enough.


  • Bananas
  • Boiled or scrambled eggs
  • A handful of almonds

Before a long run
As you improve you might want to start running faster and for longer distances.

During high intensity exercise your body uses carbohydrates for energy. As such, you’ll need to eat more carbs before any run longer than an hour. Try:

And don’t worry about special hydration drinks – if you’re running for less than an hour, water is fine.

What should I eat and drink after a run?

Try to eat a protein-rich and carbohydrate snack within 20 minutes of your run to restock your energy stores.

A bowl of (sugar-free) cereal with milk, or a bagel with an egg or ham are both good options.

And don’t worry about special rehydration drinks – water is the ideal way to rehydrate you. There's no need to glug a gallon though. Just have a glass of water after your run and aim to drink two litres over the whole day (just over the six to eight glasses as per normal recommended amounts).

Can I start running if I've never done it before?

Yes, pretty much anyone can start running.

Of course, if you have any existing health conditions or injuries, it's worth checking with your GP that you're OK to start running – especially if you've never done it before. The same goes for if you're pregnant and have never run before. (See below for more about starting running in pregnancy.)

Following a training programme that helps you progress at a sensible pace – and wearing a heart-rate monitor, in the form of a fitness tracker like a Fitbit – are good ways to start running, without overdoing it.

If you're worried about your running style, don't be! Just try to apply some of our posture tips (above) and most of all, enjoy it. Besides, it can't be any worse than Phoebe in this famous episode of Friends ...

Can I start running when I'm pregnant?

If you were a regular runner before getting pregnant then yes, you can keep on running. The NHS advises keeping up your normal daily physical activities for as long as you feel comfortable.

However if you’re a beginner, pregnancy is not the time to start running.

Instead, why not try swimming, walking or pregnancy yoga – these are some of the best sports for pregnancy.

How soon after having a baby can I start running?

If you've not run before, it's a good idea to wait until after your routine six-week check. Before then, try low impact exercise instead like walking and gentle stretching.

Remember that your lower back and tummy muscles might be weaker than before.

Also, you're more likely to injure yourself from as your ligaments and joints are looser in the first few month after giving birth.

If you've been given the green light, running can make a great post-baby work out.

If you're serious about getting fit, you might want to invest in a buggy that's specially designed to jog or run with. That way, you can head out and get fit with your baby in tow!

Find the best buggies for getting fit here.

How soon after a C-section can I start running?

Again if you've not run before, wait until after your routine six-week check before starting. It's also a good idea to talk to your GP or health visitor before you start any exercise regime.

According to Tommy's, after a C-section your GP may recommend you wait at least 12 weeks before starting any high impact exercise like running, aerobics or weight training.

You can start your pelvic floor exercises as soon as you feel ready.

What running gear do I need to buy?

While you don’t need fancy trainers to run in, it’s probably not a good idea to rely on those old Converse you found in the cupboard under the stairs.

It's worth investing in the basics to get you started:

  • Running trainers – you need shoes that are specially designed to offer more support and cushioning. It’s worth going to a specialist running shop where staff will match a pair to your gait (how your feet land when you run), running needs and budget.
    Amazon has a great range of running trainers for all budgets, see more details here.
  • Sports bra – running can strain the Cooper's ligaments which support your breasts. And this could lead to sagging and breast pain. Make sure you get properly fitted for a sports bra if you can. If you're pregnant or have recently had a baby, your boobs will fluctuate in size so make sure you get fitted regularly to check you're well supported and comfortable.
    Buy the best sports bra that you can afford – we recommend Marks & Spencer.
  • Running clothes – stock up on some comfy tracksuit bottoms or running leggings, tops you can layer up and a waterproof jacket or hoody, if you're running outside. Remember, you will warm up quite quickly once you get started so don't overdress.
    These running leggings have a handy pocket for stashing your keys – see more details here at Amazon.

If you start getting really into your running and fitness, it's a good idea to invest in a fitness tracker too – there are loads on the market to choose from – most of which can track your steps, heart rate, calories burned, distance, and much more.

Stay safe running tips

To stay safe when you’re running, make sure you follow these common sense tips:

  • Run with other people – find a running buddy to go out with, especially if you're running in the dark.
  • Mix up your routes – avoid always running in the same place at the same time.
  • Run facing oncoming traffic, so that cars can’t pull up behind you.
  • Always tell someone where you’re going and when you plan to be back.
  • Carry ID in the form of a wristband or trainer tag or the medical ID app on your phone so your next of kin can be contacted in case of emergency.
  • At night, wear white or ‘high-vis’ clothing, add reflective patches or tape – or wear flashing lights, which you can buy online or from running shops. You can always carry a torch, too.

Top 5 running apps to download

A running app can be a great way to help you reach your goal, giving you the motivation and encouragement to keep going when it gets tough.

1. Couch to 5K podcasts – each 5K+ podcast provides a structured run with running music and coaching to develop your running technique, speed and stamina.

2. RunKeeper – tracks all of your most vital running stats, including your distance, your speed, and your caloric output. It also includes GPS tracking so you can see your route and not worry about getting lost.

3. Zombies, Run! – if you find running a bit boring, this funny app turns it into a chase. You'll be so distracted by the tasks you're set and people after you that you won't even notice you're doing exercise.

4. Map My Run – enables beginners to find running routes near to them, which you can save and share as well. It pairs with most fitness trackers too (like Fitbits and Apple Watches).

5. Nike Run Club – uses celebs and athletes such as Mo Farah to help coach you to reach your running goals, whatever they are.

Find a running club near you

Check out Netmums local listings for details of running clubs near you.

Have you just started running? Share your experience over in our Coffeehouse forum below:

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