Nightmares and night terrors

First published on Friday 23 September 2016 Last modified on Monday 23 May 2022


Nightmares and night terrors are common in children. But what's the difference between the two – and how can you help comfort your child when they experience them?

Nightmares happen when children are in REM sleep, or dream sleep. Your child might wake up knowing that they've had a bad dream, and be able to describe it to you.

Night terrors, however, 'happen during the deepest phases of sleep at the start of the night', says Vicki Dawson, CEO and Founder of The Children's Sleep Charity.

'A child having a night terror will thrash around and scream, and probably won't even recognise you,' she says.

During a night terror, your child isn't awake, and they won't remember it the following day. This sleep disturbance affects about 5% of children, and is more common in boys.

Read on for all you need to know about night terrors and the ways you can help your child. Another useful source for sleep advice is our Fairy Cares hub which is packed with tips from Fairy Non Bio. We have teamed up with Fairy Non Bio to share six tips for a snuggly soft bedtime routine to give you and your little one the best night’s sleep. Follow the hashtag #SnugglySoftBedtimes on social media for tips on bedtime routines .

Nightmare and night terrors: what's the difference?

Nightmares are most common in children aged three to six, and most children will outgrow them, although even as adults we can still have the occasional bad dream.

They usually happen in the early hours of the morning, when children are in the lighter stages of sleep. Your child is likely to be anxious, upset and distressed when they wake; and may not remember what they were dreaming about.

Night terrors are most common in children aged three to eight years, but they can start as young as 18 months.

Unlike nightmares, they usually happen in the first part of the night. The episode can last anywhere up to 15 minutes. A child having a night terror will typically scream suddenly, thrash around, sit bolt upright or even leap out of bed.

Their eyes may be wide open, but because they are not awake, it's impossible to comfort them.

Although night terrors look extremely distressing, your child won't remember what happened the next day, as the part of the brain that relates to memory and awareness is deeply asleep.

During a night terror, your child might sweat, mumble, talk and scream. They may even sleepwalk, so it's important to keep them safe, for example by using stair gates and making sure external doors are locked at night.

What causes night terrors?

Night terrors are thought to be caused by your child sleeping particularly deeply. This means they're more likely if they are overtired or unwell. They can be triggered by a fever and some medicines.

They can also happen if something wakes your child suddenly from a deep sleep, such as a sudden noise or needing the toilet.

Children with a family history of sleepwalking and night terrors are more likely to be affected.

Helping your child with nightmares and night terrors

If your child has had a nightmare, you'll be able to comfort them when they wake from the dream.

They're can be caused by a frightening experience, such as seeing something scary on TV. They can also be a sign of underlying anxiety, so talk to your child to find out if something is worrying them.

If your child is having recurrent nightmares with a similar theme, talk to your GP; in some cases, children benefit from counselling to address their worries.

During a night terror, your child will resist being comforted, but stay with them until they are calm.

Don't intervene or try to wake them unless they are putting themselves in danger. Once the episode has passed, you can wake your child and help them resettle.

Managing night terrors in children

If your child is having night terrors every night at a specific time, it may help to wake them 15 minutes before that time every night for seven days. Keep them awake for five minutes and then let them go back to sleep. This can alter your child's sleep pattern enough to break the cycle of night terrors.

Ensure your child is getting enough sleep, with a consistent bedtime routine to help them relax at night. Fairy Non Bio has teamed up with The Sleep Team at Great Ormond Street Hospital to share expert advice for better bedtime routines. Follow the hashtag #FairyTales on social media for tips on what to include in your child's bedtime routine.

Regular mealtimes and daytime naps (depending on their age) will also help to set their body clock and provide a predictable schedule to make them feel safe and secure.

A raised body temperature can lead to sleep disturbances so ensure that the room isn’t too hot and that bedding is appropriate.

When to get help with night terrors

Most children will outgrow them but if your child is having night terrors most nights, it's worth seeing your GP.

Here's how to tell the difference between nightmares and night terrors ...

A frightening dream that occurs during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

Occurs in the second half of the sleep period when your child is having the most intense dreams.

Your child may wake up crying or distressed after the nightmare and it may take them a while to calm down; they may be anxious and afraid.

On waking up your child will be frightened and may be tearful. They will recognise you and, if old enough, will be able to tell you about the dream.

It may take a while to comfort and soothe your child so they can get back to sleep.

A partial waking from a very deep (NREM/stage IV) sleep.

Occurs in the first third of the sleep period when non-dreaming sleep is deepest.

Sudden onset: your child may sit bolt upright, thrash about or run frantically about the room. The pupils may be dilated, their heart will be racing and they may sweat profusely. As a parent, it is alarming to witness.

If the child wakes up they will be confused and disorientated. During the episode they will not recognise you or allow you to comfort them. If you try to help your child they may become more agitated.

Return to sleep is rapid.

They will have no recollection of the event.