Netmums Voices: 'The reality of being a stay-at-home dad'

First published on Friday 1 November 2019 Last modified on Thursday 30 January 2020

Aled Blake and family

Aled Blake left his job as a news editor at WalesOnline in April 2018 to take on full time childcare for his son Joseph, three, when his wife went back to work full-time.

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I’ll never forget how flat I felt going back to work three weeks after our baby was born. Claire, my wife, had sent me a video of tiny Joseph smiling as she and his nana counted his toes on the sofa.

I watched it from my desk, knackered, feeling emotional, proud, but also secretly envious: having a child is a life-changing experience for both parents. Yet paternity leave is brutally short and many dads find themselves throwing on work shirts and old routines that don’t quite fit anymore, before they’ve properly caught their breath.

My job as a news editor meant long hours, late shifts and weekends – missing milestones, bedtimes and trips to the beach. Claire and Joe’s bond made me happy, but every now and then, I’d wonder why we don’t have it quite right when it comes to fitting work around the family.

Invariably, it’s the woman who ‘puts her career on hold’, and that’s what we did. Claire’s a freelance PR consultant and sustainable fashion stylist and, after maternity leave, worked her job around looking after Joe.

After that, we didn’t really have a plan, but I’d been wondering if I could find a way to spend more time with my new family.

A new challenge

Then as Joe was approaching his second birthday, I had the opportunity to take voluntary redundancy. Claire could increase her hours and build her business – I could take over the full-time childcare.

Nobody who knew us was really surprised – I’d been with the same company for 18 years and, while I loved my job, was ready for a change. I was just lucky that change came in the form of a mad yet fascinating two-year-old.

So Claire went back to work full-time. 

'I definitely wasn’t ready for how hard it was going to be.'

A two-year-old and tantrums

I definitely wasn’t ready for how hard it was going to be.

Smug, I WhatsApp'd Claire: ‘Football. Three-hour kip. Chips. Day 1 – tick.’ But of course it wasn’t always that easy. I inherited my little charge at a time when he’d discovered tantrums. Sometimes I forgot to feed myself.

It was tough, unrelenting and way more tiring than the office job I was used to. Nothing can prepare you for the exhaustion of full-time parenting on your own, especially when you hit your late 30s. 

Always, though, I had a feeling that being with our funny, sensitive, energetic and inquisitive little boy was something I was meant to do.

He was used to fun days out with his mum and not too much routine, so we slotted in, with a few changes. In the mornings we’d hit a playgroup or go swimming. In the afternoons, while I’d have been happy for it to be just the two of us on our adventures, I knew Joe needed a network, and that relied on me stepping out of my comfort zone.

I’ve always courted my own company, so I wasn’t looking forward to the coffee dates. 

But I soon realised they’d be a vital part of my week. Toddlers are easier when they multiply – who knew? Cafe meet-ups were a rest. 

And it was fun getting to know our female friends better; while the kids snorted ‘party milk’ (babyccino), we discussed what to do when they’ll only eat spaghetti hoops. Plus, I got to eat more cake than I ever knew I could.

Friends, failures and flooding nappies

Making new friends has never come naturally but, being with Joe, I surprised myself. I make more effort on small talk in the park, and know most of my neighbours. A dad on our street took time off to look after his son, too, so I became more sociable than I’ve probably ever been.

I have Joe’s champion napping to thank for easing me into the first few months at home. While he didn’t sleep at night for the first two years (Claire breastfed him until he was 26 months but we’ve always shared nighttime settling duties), he’d often snore for three hours after lunch.

I’d batch cook, do the washing and cleaning (sometimes finding time to write a book on Cardiff City Football Club I had published last year). Or sometimes I’d just binge-watch Narcos.

Days without a nap were brutal and I became obsessed with him getting his solid sleep. When I elbowed him in the head, clumsily trying to get him out of his car seat, and he woke prematurely, it felt like I’d failed the day.

A few weeks in, we had a long holiday in Brittany, while Claire worked. Some days it was too hot to take him to the beach, so we had a few wild afternoons that you’ll only understand if you’ve ever tried to entertain a toddler in a heatwave. 

I spent a lot of time retrieving him from bushes he’d thrown himself into when I’d refused him another ice lolly. Once he lost the only keys to our caravan by burying them under the decking. 

Our son’s often sudden grasp of language offered some challenges. He once shouted “Daddy, I don’t like that man over there. I don’t know him, but I don’t like him”.

Weeks and days swing wildly from moments of near disaster, to pure joy. 

While Claire used to load the pram like a pack horse ‘just in case’, I’m a bit less prepared and prefer to wing it. Early on, I forgot his change bag (which Claire always keeps topped up with spare clothes) on the way to the pool. 

He flooded his car seat and I had to stop at the nearest Morrisons to buy emergency trousers and nappies. The supermarket loos were out of order and he weed all over my trainers.

'The parenting experience is still geared around mothers. Mum and baby changing rooms, for example.' 

Small steps in the right direction

The way we work and live is changing. I’m not always the only dad at library story time. But on the whole, I’m in the minority.

The parenting experience is still geared around mothers. Mum and baby changing rooms, for example. 

And I’ve frequently heard people say ‘isn’t he good?’ when doing things that go unnoticed if they’re done by a woman, which is annoying. I don’t think what I’m doing is special or different – and I hate the term ‘daddy daycare’.

We’re not ‘babysitting’, we’re parenting.

We’re a partnership. Our friends and family have always been supportive, but some other people asked Claire was she sure she wanted to let me look after Joe every day, and suggested she might feel jealous.

There also appeared to be concern around how we’d manage to pay for our choice – as if Claire was assumed to be earning less. And I’ve often been asked, ‘what’s my plan?’, which I don’t think is something asked of many mums.

At times, I’ve put so much pressure on myself to come up with a plan that it became a worry: what was I going to do?

I was ignoring the reality that I already had a plan. Me looking after Joe was the plan – and it still is, so long as we can make it work.

I might have missed the first time Joe saw snow, but I took him for his first haircut and toilet trained him. Claire ended up soaked the first time she helped him wee by a tree so maybe my biology made it more straightforward for me.

And I never expected I could get emotional about someone else’s poo. But the first time he mastered doing one in a public toilet, I almost wept. ‘Daddy, I’m doing it’! How times change.

Claire says she now knows how I felt in the early days, when all he wanted was his mum.

He’s going through a phase of demanding ‘I want Daddy to put me to bed’, which can be upsetting for her after a long day at work. But it’s still Mum he goes to when he cries at night or grazes his knee.

Joe and I have developed a brilliant bond, but who knows if that’s anything to do with the extra time together.

Together I feel like we’ve achieved a lot. We honed his throwing skills (via a lot of ‘sorries’ to the woman whose head he threw a tennis ball at during a particularly intense session). 

It’s been a riot of pride, pain, and a lot of laughter. I practically punched the air when he said ‘stegosaurus’ for the first time.

There’ve been plenty of difficulties: I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find discipline hard – knowing what to do when he’s flinging toys at me can feel more stressful than anything I ever experienced in a newsroom.

In September he started nursery part-time and I sobbed on his first day. But I’m lucky I could take him and pick him up.

Change needs to come from the top

I only wish there was more of a financial incentive for parents to take a longer career break.

Governments talk about family-friendly policies, but two weeks statutory paternity leave is pathetic. And shared parental leave is complicated and badly-marketed.

The campaign for flexible working (the TUC wants an overhaul of the shared parental leave system because it’s so unaffordable) is important, because everyone wins.

Claire and I have made cut-backs and sacrifices, but we’re aware of how privileged we are. 

Everyone should have the chance to do what we’ve done. 

I might have lost financial independence, stalled on my career ambitions – but at this time of my life, these things aren’t the most important to me. I don’t feel embarrassed at not being the main breadwinner. I’m starting to freelance and it won’t be long before Joe’ll be at school.

And I wouldn’t swap anything for sitting with him on the bench of our favourite park, pondering what the moon has for tea, eating peanut butter sandwiches in the rain.

If I could tell another stay-at-home dad three things …

1. Keep fit – you'll be constantly active, so look after yourself physically because your child will want you to do everything he or she does.

2. Make time for yourself. Remember who you are by seeing your friends, doing things that made you happy before you had kids and realising there is life outside the world of the toddler.

3. Talk to more people. Stepping outside of your comfort zone and talking to other parents you don’t know can help you build a valuable support network.

The parent like me I look up to is …

John Lennon.

His challenge to traditional ideas of family pioneered the way for generations of stay-at-home dads to come.

What I've learned as a stay-at-home dad …

Being a stay-at-home dad has taught me not to take myself so seriously, and that work didn’t need to dominate my life.

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