Making Mums Happy: day 4

First published on Tuesday 27 September 2016 Last modified on Tuesday 18 October 2016

Woman stretching at sunset

Thought for the day: "Happiness is not so much in having, as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Norman Macewan.

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10 Happiness principles

  • Count your blessings
  • Have a good laugh every day
  • Do a good turn with a daily kindness
  • Treat yourself every day
  • Cut TV viewing and make time
  • Say hello to a stranger
  • Look after something you've planted
  • Get physical
  • Phone a friend
  • Indulge in some talk time
  • Day to day happiness

Welcome to Day 4 of Making Mums Happy.

Here are your happiness tasks for today!

Don't forget to try as many as possible and see how much better you feel. Have you printed them off or written them out so that you can refer to them over your morning coffee?

Talk to other mums taking part in Making Mums Happy, in the Happiness Club.

Write in your happiness diary

In your Happiness Diary today, write down 10 things that you have to be thankful for about your health.

We rarely notice our good health until we are ill. Remember back to the last time you were sick - a bug, or flu, or perhaps something more serious? You probably felt awful, were maybe confined to bed, had no energy to keep the house tidy or play with the children? Now think about your health: your strong arms, legs, hands, heart - you can run, jump, talk and laugh. Your wonderful brain, that is better than 100s of the most powerful computers. Think about your senses: sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. Appreciate what you have, rather than moan about what you don't have.

Turn off the TV

Do you remember the list of suggestions we gave you on day 1? How did you get on with it? Did you manage to replace an hour's channel hopping with one of your 'one day when I get time' projects? Or perhaps phone a friend? Maybe today you could step into the garden and have a go at your growing project, if you haven't already started? Tell us what you're getting up to rather than sitting in front of the telly in the Happiness Club.

Be friendly

Today, buy the Big Issue magazine.

Did you know, 60 people walk past the Big Issue magazine seller for every one person who stops to buy? For the homeless and jobless, it is not just the lack of bricks and mortar, but more often the loneliness that comes with it - the loneliness of being outside of society - of being invisible. All those people walking by must reinforce those feelings of isolation and loneliness. This week, not only buy the Big Issue but stop and say "Hello, nice day. How's business?" and look the homeless seller in the eye.

If there are no Big Issue sellers where you live, can you do something similar? The charity collectors outside the supermarket or on the high street? Can you put some loose change in their tin and wear their sticker? Again, make sure you speak to them. They are giving up their time to help others, so make them feel valued.

Have a daily laugh

The Happiness Club is a rather jolly place - lots of funnies and some truly terrible jokes too! It's also quite motivating and inspiring to read other Mums successes. Do pop in and tell us how you are doing.

Treat yourself and find time to escape

Find half an hour today to sit with a magazine (a trashy gossip mag is great escapism, but if that's not your thing, then how about a fashion mag or an interiors or foodie mag).

You need peace and quiet. So it's got to be after the kids go to bed, or when they are having their daytime nap, or else beg some babysitting from Granny, or do a deal with your partner or a friend: you get an hour's total peace today and they get one tomorrow.

If you can't get hold of a magazine, grab your book, or start one if you aren't reading one already. Have a look at Netmums Book Club for some suggestions.

With your magazine, you need a really good coffee or favourite drink. Brew fresh coffee just for you. Use your posh china - a proper cup and saucer. Have a biscuit or two or slice of cake with NO guilt!

Or try this superb iced coffee treat:

  • A heaped teaspoon of instant coffee
  • Enough hot water just to cover
  • Stir until dissolved
  • Add a good sized scoop of vanilla ice cream and a mug of ice cold milk
  • If you've got a blender, whiz it round until the ice cream has melted and it's all frothy
  • Pour it into a long glass and sweeten to taste

The grown up equivalent of a milkshake. Delicious!

Talk Time - do the partner exercise

Option A

We want you to book an hour with your partner, either now, today or sometime in the next week. You need this time to be time alone, as you will both need to give the exercise your full attention and there is some diary writing involved.

Option B

If you don't have a partner or just don't fancy doing option A, then option B is to ring a member of your family that you don't talk to so often (Dad? Brother? Auntie?). Just take the time to have a chat, but somewhere in the conversation find a way to say..."you know, the thing I admire about you most is..." or "what I most appreciate about you is..." (If it makes it easier, tell them you've signed up to this course and this is one of your tasks. They'll be chuffed you picked them).

This exercise is about how rewarding giving is. Yes, we know that as parents we aren't usually strangers to the giving role, but how often do you give spontaneously to one of the other VIPs in your life? See how much pleasure it gives you and your chosen special person.

Get physical

Your happiness prescription includes taking some physical exercise. 20 minutes, 3 times a week is what's recommended for good health. We all know that exercise is good for our hearts, our lungs, our circulation, our skin, our minds and our general well being - so why is it so hard to do!

If you're a gym bunny, a serial triathalon partipant or are running the local 10k Race for Life, then you don't need to worry about this one - carry on doing what you're doing. For the rest of us, read on!

We talked to lots and lots of mums who don't like exercising and the general agreement was that the hardest part was getting started. There was general agreement that it would be best to have a range of different activities that could fit in with our daily lives. Here's our pick & mix of ideas. Chose something that suits you and have a go.


Fantastic exercise favoured by top athletes and little girls. Skip in time to music, skip forwards, skip backwards, fast and slow. Can you do that one where you cross your arms? Rest as much as you like, but try and do 20 minutes of the exerecise (just about the time it takes to watch Neighbours).

Roller blading

Don't laugh! Could you roller skate as a child? Then you will probably find you can still do it now. Many sports shops sell adult roller blades for as little as £15.

Riding a bike

Do you have a bike? Could you borrow one? Or maybe get one second-hand. This can be great family fun too with older children. If you have a toddler, you could think about getting a little seat fitted on the back.


Give yourself a challenge rather than just doing a bit of random running. Can you work out how far a mile is? From your house, round the block and back to your house. Start off walking that mile - time yourself. The next day walk a bit faster, then faster, then power walk it. Try each time to beat your previous time. When you're ready, jog a bit of the way, then walk, then jog a bit more. You will be so encouraged how quickly you adapt. The aim is to be able to jog all the way - to run a mile. If you find running works for you, you could continue to try to beat your time and then maybe try doing the mile twice.


If you are lucky enough to have a garden trampoline, get bouncing. Bouncing, star jumps, turning in mid air. It's wonderful exercise.


A long slow swim can be meditative as well as good exercise. The first few lengths can seem hard, but after that you will get into the flow. Because swimming is repetative and doesn't need much thought, it sets your mind free - you'll be amazed at what you come up with after 20 minutes in the pool!