Making Mums Happy: day 2

First published on Tuesday 27 September 2016 Last modified on Tuesday 18 October 2016

Woman smiling at the sky

Thought for the day: 'The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for' – Allan K. Chalmers

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10 Happiness principles

  • Count your blessings
  • Have a good laugh every day
  • Do a good turn with a daily kindness
  • Treat yourself every day
  • Cut TV viewing and make time
  • Say hello to a stranger
  • Look after something you've planted
  • Get physical
  • Phone a friend
  • Indulge in some Talk time
  • Day to day happiness

Welcome to Day 2 of Making Mums Happy

How did you find Day 1? Have you started your Happiness Diary? Were you able to smile at a stranger? Or turn off your TV and fit that pedicure in? Did you find something to make you laugh? Well, however much or little you managed - good for you for making a start! Here are some more happiness tasks for today - you don't have to do them in order, just slot them in as and when convenient during your day.

Talk to other mums taking part in Making Mums Happy, in the Happiness Club.

Write in your happiness diary

Go to page 2 of your Happiness Diary. You can do your diary task any time of the day, but in the evening, just before bed is a great time as the feelings that you are left with will drift through you while you are asleep.

Write down 10 good things you have in your life: people, health, work, a favourite place, food, sport... any 10 things that you are grateful to have; things that you would miss if you didn't have them. Think for a minute about what it is you love about each item and why they are/it is important to you.

Turn off your TV

Remember that TV programme "Why Don't You?" (why-don't-you-just-switch-off-your-television-set-and-go-and-do-something-less-boring-instead?) Well do it! Turn it off and do something else instead. Is there something that has been on your 'to do' list for a long time that you never seem to get around to? Or would giving yourself some 'me time' be a good idea?

Have a daily laugh

How often do you laugh? Part of the ‘Happiness Prescription' is to have at least one really good laugh every day. Can you think of ways for you to have a laugh? What used to make you laugh?

If you are out of practice or stuck for ideas, here's a quick one. Do you remember the no-yes-no game? Play it with your kids or partner or involve a friend (it doesn't matter if they think you're nuts - they'll enjoy it too). Each person has a turn. The other asks you questions to which you can answer anything but Yes or No.

"What's Your name?"
"Are you sure"
It's harder than it looks!

Tell us what makes you laugh and get some inspiration in the Happiness Club

Be friendly

Initiate a conversation with another Mum who you have seen around but never or rarely spoken to, whether at the school gates, playgroup, toddler group or just in the supermarket, park or shops.

Perhaps say how pretty/handsome their child is, or ask if the baby sleeps well, or where their children go to school, or compliment their shoes, coat, necklace. Just be interested in them. Before you go, ask their name.

Phone a friend

Not the friends you see regularly but someone you haven't spoken to for ages. An old school friend perhaps? Or an old work colleague? Before you ring, think of 4 things you'd really like to know about them or from them - jot the questions down. Have you got 2 interesting things to tell them too?

When you ring, check with them whether it's a good time to talk, and if it isn't, book in a time over the next few days.

Get physical

A key element of feeling happier is exercise. It's important on so many levels: physical, mental and emotional. But often we are so exhausted just getting through the day: cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, working and of course, children, with their relentless "why mum?", questions (which can be so emotionally exhausting), that it's not surprising that we find it difficult to motivate ourselves to do regular exercise. But the scientists have put it firmly in the 'Happiness Prescription‘. In fact they suggest 20 minutes, 3 times a week. So between us, we need to find some exercise that can fit into our daily life and the motivation to do it. Being out in the park or garden can be fun for you as well as the kids!


Borrow or buy a skipping rope. Local toy shops or supermarkets often sell them for just a couple of pounds. Or find some rope (as we did when we were kids). Do 100 skips... yes you can! Go on...try to remember the rhymes we skipped to as little girls:

Teddy bear teddy bear turn around, teddy bear teddy bear touch the ground, teddy bear teddy bear show our shoe, teddy bear teddy bear count to 2, 3, 4.....99, 100!

Then try backwards - can you still do it? Try that one where you cross your arms...

Rest when you need to, but try to do another 100 and then another.

Enjoy feeling out of breath. Enjoy feeling youthful. And enjoy that lovely glow in your cheeks that will last for hours.

...Getting a bit of exercise doesn't always mean a trip to the gym.

The small print: be sensible - if you haven't done any exercise for years and are out of shape or have an illness DON'T skip till you drop - take it at your own pace and stop when you want to.