Losing weight the Netmums way

First published on Monday 22 August 2016 Last modified on Wednesday 16 December 2020

Apple with measuring tape

If you're struggling to lose a few extra pounds, don't despair as help is at hand.

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Maybe you haven't managed to shift the baby weight, or you're piling on the pounds because you don't have time for the gym and end up eating those extra bits and pieces with the children. Most of us have been there and - you aren't alone in wanting to get closer to your ideal weight. But don't worry, we're here to show you how to lose weight the Netmums way.

There's no need to put yourself through the pain of cabbage soup or Atkins diets, follow this simple Netmums weight loss guide and you'll soon be on your way to a lighter you.

Tip 1 - Lose the weight slowly

Losing weight can often feel like an up hill battle - in part because we make it hard for ourselves by expecting too much too quickly. The truth is there really is no quick fix for weight loss. The fact is that the body can only break down around 1-2lbs (1kg) of body fat in a week, which is where the advice to lose around 1lb (0.5kg) a week comes from. That way you are just losing the fatty bits that you don't want and none of your muscle and lean parts that are really quite important.

If you do drop weight too fast you will not be losing body fat, but will shed fluids and lean tissue and will quite simply just put it all back on again.

All of the ‘lose a stone in a fortnight by only eating grapefruits' types of diets may help you to shift a pound or two quickly but they will not help you to lose the body fat, and then keep it off! In fact, the quick weight loss diets are shown to upset your metabolism so that it actually makes it harder to lose weight in the long run.

Tip 2 - Always remember what's in it for you?

Make yourself a quick checklist about what you will gain from losing weight - here are some of our ideas:

  • Feeling great - there is nothing like losing a few pounds for a huge boost in self esteem
  • Feeling sexier - no more hiding the wobbly bits in the dressing gown
  • Getting into all those slightly-to-tight clothes that you've hidden at the back of your wardrobe - and no need to buy any more clothes that hide your lumps and bumps!
  • More get up and go
  • Being able to keep up with the children when they are playing
  • Improved health - less risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. It's sometimes difficult to think ahead but these risks are very real and are more likely to happen to you if you are overweight.

Losing weight does take time and effort, and a good dose of will power, so by being clear on why you are doing it and the benefits that you will gain will hopefully help you to stay focused and motivated. Depending on how much you need to lose, shifting weight healthily may take weeks, months or years. But by making small gradual changes to what you are eating and how active you are, you are far more likely to see success.

Keeping going can be tough so keep reminding yourself of the rewards and this will help to keep you going when you start to waver.

Tip 3 - Learn what weight loss tips work for others

A major study tracked more that 5,000 people who successfully lost 30lbs in weight, and then kept it off, to find out how they have succeeded where many other fail. From this we know that the main things that lead to successful weight reduction are:

  • Cutting down on fat and fatty foods
  • Eating breakfast every day
  • Weigh yourself once a week
  • Watching less than 10 hours of television each week
  • Being more active - on average participants are active for around an hour each day - mainly walking

Tip 4 - Small changes make big results

How many times have you started a diet saying ‘no more chocolate, no more cakes, no more chips', lasted a few tortured days and then given in to temptation, and just given up? Banishing something from your diet immediately makes it more desirable and focuses our attention on that food - making us more likely to succumb.

So, instead of focusing on giving up, focus on what you eat, how often you eat it and how much of it you eat.

  • Start with the basics - three regular meals a day, plus planned healthy snacks if you need them. Skipping breakfast does not help weight loss and makes you more likely to impulse snack later
  • Down-size - for foods higher in fats such as burgers, sausages, pies, biscuits, cakes chocolate, crisps and savoury snacks, cheese etc. Eat smaller portions and less often.
  • Up-size - for fruit and vegetables - low in calories and packed with vitamins and minerals these are things you can eat plenty of everyday - have bigger portions and more of them.
  • Switchon to fibre - such as wholemeal bread and higher fibre breakfast cereals - fibre is not only great for health but keeps you feeling fuller for longer.
  • Watch drinks - research seems to show that our body fails to register the energy that we take in from drinks so it's easy to consume a lot of calories from drinks without the body noticing. Try todrink more water instead of other drinks, cut down on sugar in drinks, dilute squashes more than usual and cut down on fizzy drinks and watch calorie laden cappuccinos and lattes - perhaps opt for a skinny small one.
  • Be a savvy snacker - if you know that you get peckish between meals then plan for this. Make sure you have plenty of fruit and vegetables around, take fruit with you when you go out. Here is another time to downsize - have a snack size rather than larger chocolate bar, a smaller slice of cake, or share a treat with a friend or the children. Start to look at the labels on the front of packs to switch to snack that are lower in calories, fats and sugar.
  • Start using a meal planner to plan out your meals for the week ahead, and to plan in a treat now and again during a week, and make a shopping list to stick to which will help you to avoid those unwanted impulse buys.

Tip 5 - Be more active! - whatever you can, as often as you can

We often think of being active as getting down to the gym or going for a run. While these are great forms of activity, many of us with young children are juggling work, childcare costs and free time and find having chance to go to the gym is no more than a wistful dream. And being active every day for an hour - the amount advised for weight loss - is a daunting thought if running for a bus is a problem.

The great news is that it doesn't have to all be in one go - lots of little bits of activity will all add up, often with the same benefits as one big bout of activity. And there are lots of things you can do, at home, at no cost and requiring no special equipment (apart from a pair of trainers). So take any opportunity you can to be as active as you can and you will soon start to see the benefits.


  • Instead of using the car - saves money, great for the environment and great for you too
  • If it's a fine day get out with the pushchair for a walk or take the children for a walk with you - its great exercise for them too
  • Park on the far side of the car park at work, supermarket etc and walk those few extra yards


  • Wash the car by hand - lots of stretching, bending and scrubbing
  • Clean with vigour and you could burn as many calories as going for a brisk walk - so pop on some up beat music and dance the dirt away

Get more active

Play in the garden or park - Frisbee or football are great fun for everyone

Use the stairs more:

  • don't pop things on the bottom of the stairs to take up later, take them up now
  • at work use the stairs instead of the lift
  • out shopping use the stairs instead of the escalator or lift

Check locally for things you can do with the kids e.g. Buggyfit classes or guided walks

Find an exercise buddy - to walk with, go to an evening class with - its always more fun with two and you are more likely to do it if you do it together.

Tip 6 - Chat to other mums

The most important thing is to keep motivated so if you're feeling like you're flagging and need a moral boost pop onto the Coffeehouse weight loss forum, set up especially for you. See you there!