Itchy nipples in pregnancy: causes and treatment

First published on Tuesday 18 May 2021 Last modified on Thursday 3 June 2021

Pregnant woman cupping breast

Itchy nipples are relatively common in pregnancy. Discover some of the common causes of itchy boobs and nipples when you're pregnant, and simple, effective ways to soothe them.

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Morning sickness, exhaustion, cravings for pickled eggs … pregnancy comes with a whole host of wonderful side effects, and itchy nipples can be one of them.

Itching is common in pregnancy and can happen in lots of weird and wonderful parts of your body.

If you find you've got itchy boobs or nipples, here's what could be causing it, what you can do to ease the itch yourself, and when you should see the doctor.


What causes itchy nipples in pregnancy?

There can be a number of reasons for itchy nipples and boobs in pregnancy. Common causes include:


During pregnancy there are lots of hormonal changes going on in your body, and these raised hormone levels can cause itching. The itching can occur anywhere, including the boobs and nipples.

Stretching skin

As your pregnancy progresses, your body changes to accommodate your growing baby.

Your bump, boobs, hips and bum all expand, and as the skin stretches, it often becomes drier, which can cause itching. You may also develop stretch marks, which can feel itchy as they form.


Pregnancy can trigger eczema in some women and may cause flare-ups in those who already have the condition.

Eczema causes the skin to become dry, itchy and cracked and you may develop scaly or raised patches of inflamed skin. These can look red on lighter skin or darker brown, grey or purple on darker skin. Eczema on your breasts can cause itchy nipples.

Environmental factors

Environmental factors such as washing powders, central heating, perfumed products and hot baths can all cause itching.

You may find your skin is more sensitive during pregnancy and you react differently to your usual products – such as the washing powder on your bra or any body lotions you're using – causing your nipples to itch.

Yeast infection

A yeast infection such as thrush can cause itchy, painful nipples. Yeast infections can happen at any time and are caused by a fungal infection.

Yeast infections are common if you're breastfeeding, if you have vaginal thrush or have recently taken antibiotics.

If you think you have a yeast infection, speak to your doctor about pregnancy-safe treatments.

Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP)

While most forms of itching in pregnancy are nothing to worry about, if you suspect you have ICP you should always see a doctor.

ICP is a liver condition that's also known as obstetric cholestasis (OC). It has been linked to an increased risk of premature birth and stillbirth.

ICP can cause itching without a rash. This itching is usually worse at night and most noticeable on your hands and feet, although it can happen anywhere on the body. Other symptoms can include:

  • dark urine
  • pale poo
  • jaundice (yellowing skin and eyes)

ICP symptoms usually start in the third trimester – at around 30 weeks – but may come on as early as eight weeks.

Find out more about ICP here.

Can itchy nipples be an early sign of pregnancy?

It's certainly possible. Changes to your breasts are a common sign of early pregnancy.

According to the NHS, in early pregnancy your boobs might get bigger and feel tender, a bit like they do before your period. They can also tingle and your nipples can darken and stand out.

Discover more early pregnancy symptoms here.

How to ease itchy nipples

There are a number of things you can do to help relieve the irritation of itchy nipples. These include:

  • Wear loose-fitting clothes – and choose natural, breathable fibres – they draw sweat away from the skin and are less itchy.
  • Make sure your bra fits – as your body changes in pregnancy so do your boobs. It's a good idea to have a bra fitting at least once during pregnancy. A bigger bra will give your boobs more room to move and can reduce itching.
  • Drink plenty of water – dry skin is more likely to itch so make sure you stay hydrated.
  • Use simple, fragrance-free moisturisers – keeping your skin and breasts moisturised can relieve itching but choose products for sensitive skin as heavy scents may make itching worse.
  • Avoid long, hot baths or showers the heat can leave your skin hot and itchy, and longer baths can dry skin out
  • Avoid heavily scented body washes or perfumes – these can irritate skin, particularly if it's inflamed or broken through scratching.
  • Use non-bio or ‘sensitive’ washing powders and detergents – biological products may be more likely to irritate your skin.
  • Take cool baths – a cool bath or shower can help relieve itching. Limit to around 10 minutes though, longer baths can dry your skin out. Follow by slathering on a fragrance-free body lotion.
  • Try nipple cream – designed to moisturise and soothe cracked nipples when breastfeeding, some women find nipple creams helpful during pregnancy. Available in most pharmacies and supermarkets, check the one you choose is safe in pregnancy before using.
    We like Lansinoh HPA Lanolin which can soothe and protect sore nipples and also be used as moisturiser and lip balm! See more details here at Amazon.

When should I worry about itching in pregnancy?

While itchy nipples in pregnancy are usually nothing to worry about, you should mention any itching to your midwife or GP. They'll be able to offer advice on soothing the irritation and offer treatment if needed.

If you have severe itching, particularly on your hands and feet, you should never ignore it. It could be the symptom of a condition such as intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) that needs further medical treatment. Always talk it through with your midwife or doctor.

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