How to reduce your family's carbon footprint

First published on Wednesday 12 February 2020 Last modified on Thursday 15 April 2021

Mum helping daughter ride a bike

From what exactly it is to how it affects the planet … here's everything you need to know about your family's carbon footprint and how you can reduce it.

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You recycle regularly, you line dry your clothes, you've even tried reusable nappies, but how much impact is your family really having on the environment?

How we live, eat and travel all have an effect on the planet – even heating our home or boiling a kettle causes greenhouse gases to enter the atmosphere.

This impact is known as a carbon footprint and the lower yours is, the better.

Luckily, there's plenty you can do to reduce your family's environmental impact and get others onboard, too.

'You’d be surprised how much wider change you can inspire by taking your own action,' says Anna Musgrave of Friends of the Earth.

'Talk to friends and family about what you’re doing and how you want to help fix the climate crisis. I know that my family's habits and behaviours have influenced others, because they tell me. 

'Awareness is the first step to making big change!'

Here's everything you need to know about what exactly a carbon footprint is, how it affects your family and, most importantly, how to make lasting changes.

What exactly is a carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by a person, an event, a product or action.

These gases, which include carbon dioxide, are released into the atmosphere in a number of ways including:

  • burning fossil fuels
  • cutting down rainforests
  • the production of food and products

How something is produced, used and what happens to it when it reaches the end of its life, all contribute to its emissions.

For example, many products, including food and clothes are created in factories that churn out emissions and then flown across the world to reach us, with their plastic packaging ending up in landfill.

Why should I care about my carbon footprint?

Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere and this causes global warming.

The planet's rising temperature means we can expect more extreme weather in the future such as severe floods, droughts, storms and heatwaves. warns that other climate changes are happening, too, including rising sea levels and melting polar ice and glaciers.

Extreme weather can affect crops, meaning food shortages. Homes are more at risk of flooding, vulnerable people could be prone to health problems caused by heat exposure, and some animals may lose their homes and become extinct.

What is the average carbon footprint in the UK?

Your carbon footprint is measured in tonnes of CO2 equivalent gases.

The average carbon footprint per person in the UK is around seven tonnes. In the US it's more than double at 16 tonnes, whereas in less developed countries such as Ethiopia it's just 0.1 tonnes.

The UK is trying hard to reduce its carbon footprint. It's one of 195 countries to sign the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Under the agreement countries are trying to avoid dangerous climate change by keeping the increase in global average temperature to 'well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels'.

To meet this target our carbon emissions must fall to around two tonnes per person by 2050.

Carbon footprint calculator

While it's tricky to measure carbon footprint accurately, this calculator from World Wildlife Fund should give you an idea how eco-friendly your household is.

WWF carbon footprint calculator

How can I reduce my family's carbon footprint?

A recent study found the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint were to have one less child, live car-free, avoid travelling by plane and eat a plant-based diet.

While it's sometimes tempting to give one of the kids back, big changes like this might not be entirely practical for many families. But there are many smaller, simple ways you can make a difference.

Alongside buying less and recycling more, here are five carbon-reducing hacks to try.

1. Use your car less

If you went entirely car-free for a year, you could save 2.4 tonnes of emissions – that's more than a third of the average carbon footprint.

While ditching the car completely isn't going to be possible for a lot of families, think about the journeys you make and whether they're necessary.

'It’s not about a blanket ban on driving,' says Anna. 'It's thinking a little differently about how you do the journey.'

Do you really need to drive the kids to school, for example? Walking gives you a good chance to get some fresh air and talk to your child about their day, without the stress of being stuck in traffic jams.

If school is too far, you could share pick ups and drop offs with another parent to reduce the number of journeys.

Anna also suggests cycling. 'I recently dug out my mum's old bike and bought a secondhand trailer from eBay,' she says. 'Now I can transport my three-year-old daughter easily and we can chuck all the shopping in with her, too.'

2. Get imaginative with your holidays

Sadly that family trip to Disneyland isn't great for the planet. A transatlantic round trip accounts for around 1.6 tonnes of CO2 emissions per person – more than people in some countries generate in a whole year.

That doesn't mean you have to stay at home, though. 'Boats and train journeys, such as the ferry crossing over to mainland Europe or Eurotunnel can be a real adventure for kids,' says Anna.

3. Cut down on meat

Meat and animal products are responsible for more than half of food-related greenhouse gas emissions. And most scientists agree that cutting down on meat is good for the planet.

This is because of the agriculture, crops, water and land needed to raise livestock.

If your family doesn't want to cut out meat completely, try eating meat-free meals a few times each week.

'Cutting down on meat and dairy – and eating organic, pasture-fed when you do buy it – is a really good way to make an immediate difference without fully committing to a plant-based diet,' says Anna.

'I’ve found by paying a bit more for quality meat but buying a bit less, I can make it last just as well.'

Eating less meat is a chance to get creative in the kitchen, too. Try these kid-friendly vegan and vegetarian recipes.

What to see how your diet measures up? You can find out the environmental impact of different food stuffs using this Climate Change Food Calculator from the BBC.

4. Avoid food waste

Food production is responsible for a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions yet many of us are buying more of it than we can use. As well as being bad for the planet, throwing away food can cost the average household £460 a year.

'Avoid food waste by eating leftovers and making meals out of every scrap in the fridge,' says Anna. 'It can become a fun game – we call it a mash up in my family.'

You could also try growing your own fruit and veg to reduce your carbon footprint and you don't need a big garden to do it.

'If you’ve got outdoor space or a window sill you can grow your own food,' Anna says.

'Lettuce leaves don’t need much space and you can "cut and come again" regularly as it grows so quickly. Children love getting involved.'

5. Turn the heating down

Energy use is the biggest producer of carbon emissions in our homes – a lot of electricity in the UK is created by burning fossil fuels. To reduce your family's energy use, the Committee on Climate Change suggests:

  • Better insulation – improved window glazing, cavity wall and loft insulation can all stop heat escaping so you use less energy. It can save you up to £350 a year on your heating bills, too.
  • Replacing bulbs – opt for energy efficient LEDs.
  • Replacing old boilers – newer, energy efficient alternatives could reduce your heating bills by around £115 a year.

Anna also has a simple but effective solution, put on a jumper rather than turn up the heating!

How can I do more to reduce the UK's carbon footprint?

If you're interesting in doing more to reduce the UK's carbon footprint and help fight climate change, Anna suggests talking to your MP.

'As well as influencing those around you to make a change, you can also try getting political,' she says.

'It’s easier than it sounds. Start by contacting your local MP or council to talk to them about the climate crisis and ask them what they’re doing to fix it.'

You can also visit Climate Action, to learn more about getting involved in climate action groups in your community.

What are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint?

Share tips with other parents in our forum thread below.

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Helping the planet one bite at a time with Quorn

Reduce your family’s carbon footprint from the comfort of your kitchen by making a simple swap to Quorn Mince or Pieces.

Every bite, every meal and every plate counts, so join the movement and share photos of your family’s meat-free meals on social media with the hashtags #Quorn #OneBiteAtATime.

Visit Quorn to find out more and check out our delicious meat-free recipes for inspiration.

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