What to do if your child is being bullied: a parent's guide to bullying

First published on Thursday 25 August 2016 Last modified on Monday 15 November 2021

We all want out children to love going to school – so what do you do if you find out your child is being picked on or, even worse, bullied? Whether it's verbal, cyber or physical bullying, our experts share their advice on coping and making it stop.

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Being bullied is an unpleasant part of too many children’s lives, with around a quarter of pupils experiencing some bullying during their primary school years.

When it comes to older kids and young people, one in six 10 to 15-year-olds reported having been bullied, according to a study by The Department for Education.

Bullying might be common but that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with.

If your child is on the receiving end, it can feel heartbreaking for them and you and it’s a situation that can bring out the protective instincts of even the most chilled out parent.

While it’s something you’d rather wasn’t happening at all, if it does, there’s at least much more awareness, information and support about bullying now compared to when most of us were kids.

The days of teachers telling a child to ‘turn a blind eye’ or ‘toughen up’, or worse saying that it’s their fault, are thankfully over.

In a less positive development, the rise of cyberbullying allows bullies to taunt someone remotely from behind a screen, sometimes even anonymously – even in the 'safety' of your own home.

Whatever type of bullying your child is experiencing, whether in school or outside of school, we’ve spoken to the experts to bring you the Netmums guide to helping your child – and you – deal with it.


What counts as bullying?

Children’s social interactions can be complicated and sometimes it’s hard to know whether an incident or ongoing issue is part of the ups and downs of friendship and school life or bullying.

Lauren Seager-Smith, CEO of anti-bullying charity Kidscape, says:

‘The key is that bullying is intended to hurt, is repeated and hard for the person on the receiving end to defend themselves from. The bully has the power’.

It’s this one-sidedness that tends to set bullying apart.

What forms can bullying take?

Here Alex Holmes, Deputy CEO of The Diana Award, an independent charity known for its successful Anti-Bullying Programme, describes the different forms that bullying can take, all of which he describes as 'inexcusable' ...

Common types of bullying include:

  • Physical bullying - when physical actions such as hitting, poking, tripping or pushing, are used to hurt and intimidate. Repeatedly and intentionally damaging someone’s belongings is also physical bullying.
  • Verbal bullying - involves the use of negative words, like name calling, insults, homophobic or racist slurs, to intentionally upset someone.
  • Social bullying - when lies, the spreading of rumours or nasty pranks are used. This includes repeated mimicking and deliberate exclusion.
  • Psychological bullying - involves the repeated and intentional use of words or actions which can cause psychological harm. Examples include intimidation, manipulation and stalking.
  • Cyberbullying - this is a big one at the moment, and is when technology is used to verbally, socially or psychologically bully. It can occur in chat rooms, on social networking sites, through emails or on mobile phones - anywhere your child gets online.

The Department for Education’s survey showed that, of children aged 10-15 who had been bullied, 89% had experienced verbal bullying, 60% physical and 18% theft or damage of their belongings.

'Only' 7% of 10 to 15-year-olds experienced cyberbullying in 2017-2018, however more recent surveys suggest that it may be on the rise. Girls are more likely than boys to say that they've experienced cyberbulllying.

Nonetheless, being bullied in person, whether verbally or physically, is still thought to be more common.

What are the effects of bullying?

According to the NSPCC, effects of bullying can include:

  • mental health problems like depression and anxiety
  • trouble forming friendships
  • lack of acceptance by peers
  • becoming suspicious of other people
  • poorer school performance

They add: 'The effects of bullying can last into adulthood. At its worst, bullying has driven children and young people to self-harm and even suicide.'

The good news is that seeking the appropriate help for your child can dramatically improve all these outcomes.

What causes someone to bully?

Lauren says that bullying is typically about power. She says:

‘Bullies often choose children they perceive as different in some way’.

'The real reason they do it is not usually about that but to do with exerting power over their target.’

Underlying this, a child might be bullying due to feelings of insecurity, problems in their own life or because they, in turn, are being bullied by someone else.

These are reasons not excuses though; an important difference. Make it clear to your child that bullying is never acceptable.

Alex says it's easy for your child to think that they've done something wrong or must be weak if they're being bullied.

'Make sure your child knows and understands that this isn't the case,' he says.

'To help, tell your child that the definition of bullying has been updated, thanks to a campaign by The Diana Award:

Original definition:
Bully n. a person who uses strength or influence to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

New definition:
Bully n. a person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable.'

This makes it clear that you don't have to be strong or influential to be a bully.

What are the signs that my child might be being bullied?

Sometimes your son or daughter will tell you straight up that they’re being bullied, but in other cases they might not be so open.

Perhaps you’ve spotted they don’t seem their normal self but aren’t sure why.

Here are some signs that your child might be experiencing bullying:

  • Unwillingness to go to school, perhaps saying they’re unwell
  • Coming home with damaged or missing belongings
  • Seeming anxious or depressed
  • Having unexplained cuts or bruises
  • Appearing withdrawn or shy compared to before
  • Worsening performance or behaviour at school
  • Hiding their phone or tablet, or checking it more often than normal.
  • They might not be talking to you about what’s happening because they don’t want to worry you or they think that if they tell someone and the bully finds out, it’ll all get even worse.

Not all children who are being bullied will show all these signs. You know your child best, so if your gut instinct tells you that something is wrong, listen to it and talk to your child.

Try mentioning any similar experiences you had as a child. Go for a walk together or a milkshake/ hot chocolate so you can have a relaxed discussion away from siblings. Car rides can be a great opportunity for discussing sensitive subjects with older kids.

Still no luck?

Would they chat to a close and trusted family member or older friend about what’s going on?

What should you do next if your child is being bullied?

Before you work out how to tackle the bullying, you need to understand as much as possible about what’s been going on.

Alex suggests the following steps:

1. Listen

Letting your child feel heard is key. ‘The most important thing you can do is listen’. Alex recommends ‘active listening’ where you summarise back what your child has said. So for example, ‘so they took your books and threw them all over the floor? And you cried because you felt sad? I can understand why you'd be upset.’

2. Reassure them

Your child needs to know that they have done the right thing by talking to you about this. They might be worried that by telling you, the problem will get worse.

Praise them for being open about it and let them know you’ll do your best to help sort things out.

3. Find out more

If the bullying is physical and your child is in immediate danger, then you’ll obviously need to act straight away.

Otherwise, Alex suggests a more measured approach might be OK. Get as much detail as possible, waiting until your child has calmed down enough to help with this if they’re too upset initially.

4. Document

Make notes with your child about what has been going on and when. Take screenshots of any cyberbullying if possible, and photos of any physical injuries or damage to property.

Keeping a diary of any future incidents will also be useful when addressing the bullying with your child’s school.

And what shouldn't you do?

As important as what you should do, is what you shouldn’t do. Try to avoid:

  • Minimising your child’s feelings with comments like ‘I’m sure they didn’t mean it’ or telling them to toughen up. If you do so, your son or daughter might hold back telling you about bullying in future.
  • Taking it up with the other child’s parents – they’re unlikely to agree with your view of their child’s actions. It’s much better to stick with tackling things via school/ any club organisers or leaders.
  • Approaching the child who is bullying yours - this is an absolute no-no!
  • Getting angry in front of your child – they need a calm, supportive parent right now, so try to keep your own feelings in check. Offload any anger and upset about the bullying to a close friend or family member instead.

Top tips to help deal with bullying

While things are being dealt with and logged, if your child needs some immediate tips to help them cope, Alex’s ideas include:

  • Talking to your child about safe places. Draw a map of the school and get your son or daughter to label safe havens where they can escape the bullying and where they can report it.
  • Getting them to draw round their hand and write the names of five people on the five fingers that they can go to if they have a worry, concern or problem. Make three of them individuals at school and two outside of school.
  • Helping them to realise that there are many people in life that love, care and support them, including parents, teachers and police. Highlight these different roles and the part they play in your child's life.

How should I approach my child's school about the bullying?

Our immediate thoughts can be that the school has failed to keep our child safe and we want something done NOW.

Remember to give the school a chance to act on your concerns. Try to avoid heading straight to the school - they are busy places and you may not be able to get an appointment.

Schools should have a policy on dealing with bullying on their website, so check this out beforehand. It will normally outline the procedure for reporting and dealing with incidents.

If you're still in the dark as to what to do, Alex suggests the following tactics:

  • Ring up and ask to speak to someone and stress your concern. Don't let your own experience of school get in the way of your child's experience.
  • Try not to take your child out of school or keep them off. This can often make it harder to get them back to school and doesn't give the school the chance to sort out the problem.
  • Also, avoid talking to the bully's family. While you may be tempted to speak to the parents of the bully, this isn't always the most helpful plan of action.
  • Try and let the school deal with the situation or if you know the parent and want to speak to them, tread carefully. Certainly don't contact them on social media.
  • If you don't feel it is resolved, escalate it, take it higher and if necessary involve the authorities.

If the bullying is minor and your child feels comfortable doing so, they could mention it to their teacher themselves.

Practise what they’ll say together to help him or her feel more confident.

What if my child is being bullied outside of school?

The government website says:

'Head teachers have the legal power to make sure pupils behave outside of school premises (state schools only).

'This includes bullying that happens anywhere off the school premises, for example on public transport or in a town centre.

'School staff can also choose to report bullying to the police or local council.'

So if the child bullying your child goes to the same school, or if you know what school they go to, you can still talk to the school and ask them to take steps against the bullying, even if it happens outside of school.

If the bullying happens at an after-school club or extracurricular activity, talk to the person in charge for advice.

If you don't know who's bullying your child, or what school they go to, and the bullying is serious, you can report it to the police yourself by calling 101 or contacting your local police station.

How to monitor your child if they're being bullied

Keep talking and listening to your child. It's true that questions like 'How was school today?' will often result in 'OK' or, if you have a teenager, maybe just a grunt.

But delve further and remain positive.

Alex recommends doing the following to keep tabs on the situation while it's being resolved:

  • Ask your child questions such as 'What was the best part of today? and 'What would have made it even better?'
  • Communicate with the class teacher/ form tutor/ head of year or house. These days schools will encourage parents that the first point of call is one of the above, not the headteacher.
  • A good relationship with one of these adults will help you keep on top of any fears or worries.
  • Don’t over-focus on the bullying. Once you have investigated and decide on a plan of action try not to continue to worry.
  • Compliment your child on their strengths and successes. Go swimming, do a jigsaw, take them out and take their mind off the situation.
  • Remind them that they succeed in lots of things in life and help them realise they have a lot to be proud of.

How to deal with cyberbullying

If your child is being bullied on social networks, here's Alex's advice on what to do:

  • Save the evidence first, with a screenshot, then report, delete and block. With social networks, it's best to nip the problem in the bud, blocking the individual may stop any further abuse.
  • Official guidelines state that schools can and should deal with the issue of cyberbullying between two pupils so don't be afraid to request this or if it is serious to report it to the police.
  • Help your child look at their Friends list. If you feel this is serious abuse or harassment take it to the police as it is against the law.

See more tips on helping your child stay safe online.

How to deal with name calling

Although name calling is slightly different to bullying, it's still unkind behaviour that needs dealing with.

Here are Alex's tips for how to try and stop it:

  • Discuss the differences between bullying and unkindness. It's important that your child is resilient and able to deal with one-off incidents of name calling.
  • Talk to them about reporting this behaviour as inappropriate rather than bullying.
  • Help them develop a clear idea that bullying is continuous, deliberate and more than someone having a bad day and not thinking twice.

How to deal with feeling left out

Again, although not the same as being bullied, if your child's feeling left out, there are ways to help with this. Alex suggests:

  • Discuss the support networks available to your child. If your child is feeling lonely or left out, speak to them about what clubs at break times they could attend and highlight safe areas in the school and find out which adults they trust and could go to.
  • Get them to list or draw a picture of their friendship groups and help them discover friends they could spend time with.

How to prevent bullying from happening again

Just because your child has been bullied before doesn’t mean it has to happen again. To help them fend off any future bullying think about:

  • Bolstering self-esteem by encouraging friendships at out-of-school activities, such as Scouts/ Guides or sports or drama classes.
  • Reminding them that the past bullying is more to do with the perpetrator’s issues than anything about them – it’s not their fault.
  • Role-playing potential responses to any ‘teasing’ or bullying comments. Bullies love to visibly upset their target, so practising calm and strong comebacks, or faking brushing comments off can boost your child’s confidence and take the ‘fun’ away for the bully.
  • Help your child test out different body language too – just standing tall and looking confident can sometimes make a difference.

My child is still being bullied – where can I get further help?

Should the bullying persist, it’s worth seeking outside advice at this stage.

There is help out there. If you would like further advice, try some of these anti-bullying organisations.

  • Kidscape provides workshops for children and their parents, teaching proven techniques to build self-confidence, to stay safe and respond to bullying in practical ways. Kidscape also trains professionals.
  • The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Campaign runs different projects aimed at reducing bullying in schools, including the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors programme.
  • Ditch the Label is one of the largest anti-bullying charities in the world. Each month, it provides crucial support to thousands of people aged 12-25 through its website.
  • Childline can also offer help and support for children being bullied. If your child needs someone other than you to talk to, why not give them Childline's number? It's 0800 1111. They have lots of experience of listening to children who are being bullied.

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