Getting breastfeeding established

First published on Thursday 21 July 2016 Last modified on Tuesday 22 December 2020

mum breastfeeding baby in bed

With breastfeeding it is best to get off to a good start. Here are our top tips for those first special moments.

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First Feed

It is important that your baby latches on as soon after birth as she wants to, in fact if you have had a normal, drug-free delivery and your baby is delivered directly onto your stomach, she should instinctively make her way up your body and latch herself onto your left nipple - the left because she will follow the sound of your heartbeat...amazing isn't it?!

The first feed will be made up of colostrum - this special milk is low in fat, and high in proteins and carbohydrates. It is also your baby's first immunisation as it contains antibodies your body has produced to help keep your baby healthy. It is extremely easy to digest, and is therefore the perfect first food for your baby. It is low in volume but high in concentrated nutrition for the newborn. Colostrum has a laxative effect on the baby, helping him pass his early stools, which aids in the excretion of excess bilirubin and helps prevent jaundice.

If you had medication during your labour, it could be that your baby is drowsy and unresponsive and this may last for a few days. Do not worry unnecessarily that your baby isn't feeding lots - ask your midwife or the infant feeding co-ordinator of the hospital for advice.


Early Days

Breastfeeding isn't easy, it is something you and your baby will need to learn how to do together. The most important thing you will need in these early days is support, that could come from your partner, your mum or a local breastfeeding counsellor. It might be a help if you talk to the people you are close to before you have your baby and make them aware that you will be feeding her yourself - though feeding your baby is the most natural thing in the world there are some people who find the thought uncomfortable, mainly because it is an unknown thing to them. If you talk about it beforehand there won't be any unnecessary upset. Tell them you are giving your child the best start in life - no-one can argue with that.

Your baby will make her own routine, there is not a right and wrong time to feed and no set time to say how long a feed will last. It can be really hard as - unlike a bottle - your breasts don't have quantity markings to tell you how much your baby has fed. Try to remember your baby's stomach is as big as its tiny curled up fist so it can't hold much, and because your milk is so easy for your baby to digest, your baby will process it quickly and be ready for more.

You may find that one day she is feeding every 30 minutes and the next going four hours without waking up. This is normal and when she is asleep try to catch up on some rest yourself - leave the dirty pots in the sink for your partner, ask your mum to put the washer on and your mother in law to do the hoovering - they really will be glad of something to do to help you out. And if there isn't anyone to help, just leave things - your baby doesn't care if the house is a bit dusty or if your breakfast pots are still on the coffee table. All she needs is a mum who is well and has enough energy to cope with her demands (and there will be plenty!)

Within three to four days your milk will come in and your breasts will be heavier and swollen. The early thick colostrum reduces and your milk now looks thin and watery - this is normal don't expect it to look like the stuff you buy at the corner shop! If your baby finds it hard to latch on at first, try expressing a small amount of your milk which will make your nipple softer and easy for your baby to latch on to.

You might experience a few moments of toe-curling pain which will make your entire body clench tight as your baby first begins to suckle. This should pass and you'll feel what is known as the 'let down reflex' when your milk comes through. It is not normal to feel pain or discomfort throughout the feed. If you do it could be due to your baby not being latched on correctly - put your clean finger into the corner of your baby's mouth to break the seal and try again. When your baby is latched on correctly her lips will be turned outward, her nose is almost touching your breast and at least half an inch of your breast around the base of your nipple is in her mouth. When she is suckling you will be able to see the jaw working all the way back to her ears, you'll hear quick sucks at first and then slower swallowing.

If you still feel pain you can ask your midwife or a breastfeeding counsellor to check your positioning and if they feel anything is out of the ordinary they may suggest you see a GP to rule out any other problems.