Egg white cervical mucus: what fertile cervical mucus looks like

First published on Tuesday 25 August 2020 Last modified on Tuesday 19 January 2021

woman sitting on toilet

If you're trying for a baby, you may have heard that it's best to have sex around the time you ovulate each month. One sign of ovulation is 'egg white cervical mucus' – read on to find out what it is, what it looks like, and how to use your cervical mucus to find out the best time to have sex when you're TTC.

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What is fertile egg white cervical mucus?

'Cervical mucus' is another name for the natural vaginal discharge all women produce. The amount, colour and texture of cervical mucus usually varies throughout the month, and this can give you clues as to when you're most fertile.

Around the time of ovulation (when you're at your most fertile), many women notice that their cervical mucus is clear, thick and stringy, with a colour and texture that resembles uncooked egg whites.

This egg white cervical mucus is the most fertile type, and it's a good sign that you could be at your maximum fertility. Not only does it indicate that you could be ovulating, but sperm find it easiest to swim in egg white mucus, so it makes it easier for them to reach an egg.


How can egg white cervical mucus help me get pregnant?

If you're trying for a baby, most experts recommend having sex every two to three days throughout your cycle, to give you the best chance of getting pregnant. But if that's not possible, or you're struggling to conceive, you may prefer to try to have sex around your most fertile time of the month.

You're at your most fertile within about a day or so of ovulation. If you have a regular menstrual cycle, this usually happens about two weeks before the first day of your next period. But if you have an irregular cycle, it can be hard to work out when you're ovulating. That's where cervical mucus can help.

When your cervical mucus looks like egg whites, it's generally a good time to have sex if you're trying for a baby.

What does fertile cervical mucus look like?

Every woman's cervical mucus is different, but you can get an idea of what fertile egg white cervical mucus looks like in the following pictures.

Warning: they're not pretty!

Egg white cervical mucus
Egg white cervical mucus
Egg white cervical mucus

Huge thanks to members of the TTC clubs in our forum for these images.

How to check your cervical mucus

You may notice changes to your cervical mucus when you wipe after using the loo, but it's not always obvious.

Instead, to check your cervical mucus, just wash your hands and insert a clean finger into your vagina. Then check the colour and texture of the mucus on your finger.

If the mucus is stringy and slippery, chances are it's a good time to have sex.

At other times of the month, you may find that your cervical mucus is thin and watery, thick and creamy, or sticky and clumpy. At times, you may not be able to feel any discharge at all. This is all perfectly normal, though you're likely to be less fertile at these times.

If you never notice any vaginal discharge, or your discharge has an unpleasant smell, greenish colour or cottage-cheese consistency, talk to your GP. It could be a sign of a fertility problem or a vaginal infection.

What if I don't produce any fertile mucus?

If you've checked your cervical mucus for a few months, and haven't seen anything like the egg white mucus, don't panic! Every woman is different, and it could just be that your fertile mucus isn't that obvious.

According to Healthline, certain medications can also decrease the amount of cervical mucus, including:

  • antihistamines
  • sleep aids
  • certain antidepressants
  • cold and sinus medications

If you're having difficulties getting pregnant, it's always a good idea to see your GP. The NHS recommends making an appointment if you've been trying for a year without success, or sooner if the woman is over 35, or if either partner has a medical condition that could affect their fertility.

Using a fertility monitor can also help you conceive. This model by fertility and pregnancy experts Clearblue is a good choice – see more details here at Amazon.

Looking for more fertility tips? Check out our articles below, or join your TTC club in our friendly forum to swap stories, tips and advice.

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