CMA: Exercises to strengthen the soothing system

First published on Tuesday 27 September 2016 Last modified on Monday 17 October 2016

Woman meditating

We have looked at our basic model and some ideas about what compassion is about. There are lots of things to get to know and understand, so now we are going to add some exercises to strengthen the soothing system to the mix.

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Hopefully, these will help get to grips with this new way of being.

Try to think about all of this as if you were learning any new skill. To begin with you might think you will never get the hang of it, but take it one step at a time and, with practice, it will start to fall into place. Just remember to be kind to yourself as you go along.

Before you start on the exercises – try to create the right environment for doing them. Start when things are going quite well for you (not when you are all over the place). If you were learning to swim – you would look for a calm sea, not a choppy one! Start off small and work your way up. It might be enough the first time just to read what the exercise is about, what you have to do... Then the next time – you might like to see what you can realistically manage to do in a set time, and build up from these small beginnings at your own pace.

Once you get – learning a new skill is like anything else. Practice is important – it takes time; and with time and practice you can quite literally change your mind. Be prepared for set-backs. This is not a magic cure and there will be times when our emotions get the better of us. This is understandable, to be expected and definitely not your fault. So let’s begin the next step of this journey ...

Attention: Think of attention like a zoom lens, and by using our attention we can bring things in to focus, into our consciousness. This is important with regards to how our thoughts, and the way we picture them in our minds, can stimulate our emotions. We need to remember that where we place our attention, or where “zoom in on”, will affect our emotions and body states.

Try this ...
Make yourself comfortable in a chair,
– first focus on your right foot
– notice how your toes feel
– then on your heel, and then your whole foot
– Hold your attention there for about 30 seconds.

Now switch your attention to your right foot and do the same.

Then switch to your right hand,

– notice your fingers, thumbs and whole hand.
– Hold your attention for 30 seconds, then switch to your left hand and do the same.

Finally, focus your attention on your lips and the sensations around your mouth.

Once you have done that – hopefully what you noticed was that as your attention focused on one particular part your body – this sort of put a ‘spot-light’ on that one part, and the rest of the body temporarily became less noticeable or ‘out of focus’. What you noticed you were, or were not, able to do will mean that at this point in time you might have learnt to direct where you place your attention; or it may be that your attention tends to zoom in and out on things – because those things have an emotional urgency or power, or more probably you have a combination of both.

You can add to this by first going on to think about something you are looking forward to doing – and then noticing how you feel and your body reacts. Then think about something that you are not looking forward to – and again notice what happens to your feelings and body reactions. The whole point of this is for us to see that we can direct our attention. Once we have learnt to notice it, where it is, and what it is focusing on – we can then notice if it has become focused on unhelpful things. The trick is to notice – that often our attention is captured by our emotions and drawn into rumination; we don’t choose to do this, it happens.

So what we can see here – is that we can learn to train our minds to focus on more helpful ways of thinking. This does not mean avoiding all unhelpful thoughts and feelings – as some of them are there to let us know that there is something we need to sort out in our lives. It is more to learn to tell the difference between them – and ways to tolerate, accept and work with our more difficult emotions.

To do that we need to become curious, observant and interested in our emotions; to recognise when we get caught up with our emotions, and how to refocus our attention despite any urgent powerful pulls from the other direction.

This is about being clear and observant with our attention. It often means focusing our attention on a particular thing, or action in the present moment, without judgement.

It’s the difference between sitting in the park just noticing all that is going on around you – the sights, sounds, smells, feel of the grass and the breeze on you; or sitting there with your mind whirling around thinking about everything, but the park and that moment in time. When we are being mindful – we ‘experience without judgement’, and somehow begin to feel more connected with our surroundings. Whereas, when we are ruminating – we miss out on that.

Next time you buy some fruit pick – just one piece out and, instead of just chomping on it as you watch the TV, put the fruit onto a plate and just notice its shape and colour. Pick it up and feel it, sniff it; cut into it with a knife – notice the patterns inside, the colours, the smell. And when you are ready – pop a piece into your mouth, roll it around with your tongue and focus on how it feels and how it tastes, how the texture changes as you chew it, the sound it makes in your mouth and the sensations as you swallow it.

This is ‘mindful attention’ – being fully involved with the experience or activity, rather than distracted from it by other thoughts. If you had merely eaten the fruit whilst you were watching TV, or thinking about other things, you would have missed out on the fruit. As it was – in this exercise you were encouraged to eat the fruit mindfully and without judgement as to its shape or taste etc.

When we are being mindful – our minds will continue to wander off, but we learn to gently bring our attention back and focus on what we are doing. Mindfulness is important because most of our lives are spent doing one thing whilst thinking about other things, and this means we are seldom actually “in the moment”.

In mindfulness we pay attention in a specific way – acknowledging any distractions, and gently refocusing. This is important because as we learn and practice to become compassionate – we will use mindfulness to help our wandering minds to come back to what we are actually doing.

Mindfulness and practice:
Sometimes people get fed up when they begin to practice mindfulness exercises – because their minds wander off and they think they are not doing it properly. However, that is not the point of mindfulness. The point is about gaining a much better awareness of how our minds work – such as our minds do wander off and we can learn to notice when this happens. So we can turn the initial disappointment in ourselves around. Noticing that our minds have wandered is a major point of mindfulness practice and, when we do notice, it is a sign that we are getting to know our minds better.

Another misunderstanding is that mindfulness means sitting still in total peace and quiet – focusing on something like a candle. In fact mindfulness is about experiencing our lives and daily activities in the present moment. Noticing is the actual point of this. Our minds will bounce about – it’s when we notice it is doing this that we know we are being mindful. The good thing about noticing is that when our attention wanders off – we can bring it back to our mindful activity, and in time our minds will calm down and we will be able to maintain our focus for longer.

It doesn’t matter if your mind wanders off hundreds of times – because all you are trying to do is notice and return your attention.

Mindfulness and consciousness:
An important idea in mindfulness is the very nature of our consciousness, as we only exist in the present moment – not yesterday or tomorrow, only here and now.

We can imagine ourselves at other points in time, but we don’t exist there. Mindfulness helps us to understand this and to live and be much more where we actually exist – in the here and now!

Consider consciousness to be like a spotlight – it can light up lots of things, but the spotlight itself is not one of those things. Or you could think of consciousness to be like water – it can contain poison or medicine, but basically it is just water not what it contains.

We can think of our minds like this and how the spotlight of our consciousness can light up our emotions, thoughts, fantasies about our past and future. We can also learn to differentiate between what is being lit up by our consciousness and what our minds actually contain.

A thought is just a thought; an idea is not necessarily the truth of reality.

In essence we are more about ‘being conscious beings’ than being the content of our minds.

Soothing Rhythm Breathing

The most important thing here is that you practice this breathing exercise without worrying whether or not you are doing it right.

We are so ingrained into doing things right that we can often spoil or forget the whole point of what we are trying to do – because we worry we are not doing it properly. This is understandable, but not helpful. So give yourself permission to go with the flow, smile compassionately to yourself and just focus on your breathing.

For some people – to focus on their breathing can increase their anxiety. If you feel that is you – then you may find it more helpful to concentrate on some of the other exercises first, and perhaps come back to this one when you are ready and able.

The exercise:
Sitting comfortable with both feet slightly apart and flat on the floor – rest your open hands on your legs.

Close your eyes or, if you prefer, look down at the floor. Relax your face into a slight smile.

Then focus onto your breathing – notice the cool air coming into your nose. As your lungs fill – your tummy area rises to make room for the air; and then as you breathe out – your tummy goes back down again as the warm air comes out of your mouth.

If you are not sure what the best rhythm is for you – try speeding up, then slowing down, your breathing rate until you find the most soothing and comfortable rate for you.

Quite often what happens is that people notice they are breathing at a slower rate than normal – the in breath being about 3 seconds, hold and then the out breath a further 3 seconds. What you are aiming for is a smooth and even pattern.

Then just continue to notice your breathing pattern – the cool air in, its journey through your body, and the warm air out again.

If you begin to feel a bit ‘floaty’ – then ground yourself by reminding yourself where you are, that your back is supported by the chair, your feet are firmly on the ground and your hands are resting on your lap.

Remember that it is perfectly ok for your mind to wander off; just notice when it does and be curious as to where it wanders off to, and then gently guide it back to your body and your breathing pattern.

If you find it difficult to just focus on your breathing – you might find that by holding something like a smooth stone, or a soft ball, will help you to hold your attention. You can then focus on your breathing whilst you also focus on the object and how it feels in your hand, and hopefully this will help you to feel a gentle calmness.

When you are ready – slowly open your eyes and bring yourself back to the present moment. You might feel you want to stretch out and take a big breath in.

There is no set amount of time to do this exercise but obviously the longer you do it for, and the more often you can do it, will hopefully help you to feel more calm and relaxed.

Simple body scan and relaxation

When we are stressed our bodies seem to speed up. This is because the stress can be seen by our body as a threat, and so it prepares to take action.

This simple body scan is one way to help us to relax ourselves down. Read it through first, and think of times when you would be able to carry out this exercise. You can use it to help you unwind and drift off to sleep too.

The exercise:
Find a comfortable position, either in a chair where your back is supported and your feet are flat on the ground, or lying down with your head and the small of your back supported by a small pillow or rolled up towel.

You might need a light blanket or duvet over you – so you don’t get cold.

Consider the light and noise levels, and when and where possible try to ensure that they are not too intrusive for you.

When you are ready – focus on your breathing. Just notice your breathing pattern and slowly adjust it until you have a pattern that is comfortable and soothing for you (see soothing rhythm breathing exercise).

If you are finding it hard to click into a rate or rhythm that is good for you – then just carry on with your breath as it is.

Now take your attention to your legs. Just notice how they feel, then imagine that all the tension in your legs is just flowing down out through your feet and draining away through the floor, Let the tension go, and as it goes – notice how grateful your legs feel to be rid of the tension, to allow it to go with kindness.

It might help if you slightly tense your muscles on your in breath, and relax them on the out breath; so if you time letting the tension go along with an out breath – you might have a better sense of relaxation.

When you are ready – turn your attention to your body and imagine the tension in your body from your shoulders down to your stomach. Then, as before, on an out breath – imagine all of that tension flowing down through your body and legs and out through your feet, draining away into the floor, and how grateful your body is to let it all go. Your body likes it when you are showing it kindness.

Now focus on your finger tips, your wrists, arms elbows and shoulders. Imagine the tension and the release of letting it go – as it flows down through your body, legs out through your feet, and drains away through the floor.

As you feel the tension go – you have a sense of a great weight being lifted from your shoulders and you feel lighter, calmer and more relaxed.

Then imagine the tension that collects around your head, neck and forehead. This tension has been your alert system in action, but now it is time for a rest. It is ready to be released, so on your out breath imagine it flowing down your body and out through your feet, draining away through the floor.

Now spend a few minutes when you focus on your whole body again. Each time you breathe out – let the word “relax” into your mind and imagine your whole body becoming more and more relaxed.

To end this exercise – take a few more deep breath cycles and, as you do, mentally move around your body – noting how your body feels and how grateful it is to you for spending time to help it let go of the tension it was feeling.

When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and get up to carry on with your day.

Compassion under the duvet

The exercise:

  • When you lie in bed before you go to sleep or before you get up, spend two minutes imagining yourself filling up with kindness, warmth, wisdom, and love.
  • (Notice the half smile appearing on your face).
  • Imagine sending this kindness, warmth, wisdom and love to all the people in your house, then people in other houses, no matter how you feel about them, then to everyone across the world.
  • Do this every day and see what happens.

10 ways to strengthen your soothing system

  1. Moment of relaxation-breathing in warmth, contentment.
  2. Half smile.
  3. Imagining time when someone soothed you/you felt warmth for someone.
  4. Imagine ideal compassionate person/self as ideal compassionate person.
  5. Empathy for one’s own distress: “Understandable to feel disappointed – this is hard.”
  6. Compassionate Acceptance: “I get upset very easily when someone criticises me. That’s how I have been made. It is neither good, nor bad, but sad really.”
  7. Compassionate Attention: Recall times when successful, others helpful. Focus on what can do rather than what can’t.
  8. Compassionate Thinking/Reasoning: What would a really good friend say to you right now? (with warmth).
  9. Compassionate Behaviour: What would a really good friend suggest you do that would help you right now/ in the long-term? (may require courage).
  10. Social Connectedness: Seeking out others who make you feel warm, safe, happy, accepted, part of group (may require risks to get the gains).

Continue to CMA: A reminder of key steps