Netmums Voices: ‘What I wish other parents knew about raising disabled children’

First published on Wednesday 11 September 2019 Last modified on Monday 16 September 2019

Charlotte Hawkins lives with her husband and four children – triplets Theodore, Saffron and Raphael, 7, and Kitty, 4, in South London.

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Describing what it’s like to have disabled children is difficult – no two children are the same, let alone two children with disabilities. But my Mother’s Day morning this year was a pretty good example of what it’s like and how it’s different.

While the rest of the world woke up to breakfast in bed, I woke up to the news that the car had been broken into and the disabled blue parking badge stolen.

A car getting broken into is annoying for anyone, but for someone to steal the badge that helps me get my kids to school - one of whom is a strapping 7-year-old who can’t walk and has to be carried everywhere – felt like a gut punch.

It’s at times like this when I feel angry and frustrated that people don’t understand how difficult life is for those of us with children with additional needs.

But it is and now we lock the blue badge onto the steering wheel to make sure it’s safe.

What else can you do but be practical and move on?

A difficult start

After being diagnosed with unexplained infertility – doctors didn’t know why I couldn’t get pregnant and they still don’t – I started IVF in 2009. I had seven back-to-back rounds of treatment over two years.

I thought it would never happen but, after using an egg donor in Spain, plus my husband’s sperm, one egg split to give me my boys, Rafael and Theodore. The second egg became their fraternal triplet, Saffron.

UK guidelines suggest that when this situation arises, you reduce the pregnancy (to lower the risk of medical complications). This was discussed very early on with us, but we decided not to terminate any of the pregnancies.

I was around 19 weeks when the complications began. I was in the middle of the park, walking the dog, when I felt a gush of liquid. Terrified, I went straight to a walk-in clinic.

As I suspected, my waters had broken. They didn’t know why – it might have been that there wasn’t enough space in there or because of an infection – but from then on, I was under ‘house arrest’.

Then at 25 weeks I was admitted to hospital. I had a urine infection, my waters were constantly leaking and there was nothing more the doctors could do to stop the babies coming early.

At week 26, I started getting strong pains and, when the doctors examined me, they felt a foot. I was rushed into surgery for a c-section. It was traumatic but it all happened so fast, I didn’t have time to panic.

After the c-section, they went straight to NICU and my husband went with them. I felt bereft, just lying there – I could hear all the other mothers on the ward with their babies and I was all alone, wondering if my children were even alive. I felt empty.

My babies were put straight into incubators. I couldn’t hold them for the first month of their lives but I spent as much time as I could with them. Only myself and my husband were allowed to visit.

Just 24 hours after their birth, we realised there were going to be problems. One of the consultants took us into a room and explained Theodore had suffered a big seizure, resulting in brain damage.

They’d done a scan and said he might not make it. It was horrific.

The same day, Raphael had a bleed at the bottom of his brain. You hear people talking about living from day to day, or hour to hour, but at that stage, I lived from minute to minute.

One moment I thought they were doing well; the next, the doctors would say they were worried. My hopes were constantly being raised and dashed.

I remember people sending flowers and I wasn’t sure why because, for me, there was nothing to celebrate – how could we celebrate when we didn’t know if they were going to be live?

When he was a few days old, we talked about switching Theodore’s life support machine off.

I wanted to because I felt it was unfair to keep him alive if his quality of life would be as poor as the doctors were predicting, but my husband thought we should keep trying.

In the end the consultant recommended we leave it over the weekend, and Theodore would make the decision for us.

We did and he survived.

As a newborn, he had to go to Great Ormond Street Hospital several times to have a shunt put into his brain but he’s a fighter, and eventually we brought him home to join his brother and sister.

'A carer and I spilt looking after the kids between us; we divide and conquer ... '

Seven years later

As a baby, we didn’t know the outcome for Theodore – whether he would walk, talk or be able to look after himself. He can’t do any of those things, but he’s still an amazing little boy with an incredible sense of humour and can communicate in his own particular way.

He goes to a specialist school four days a week and a mainstream school the other day. Here, he can mix with neurotypical children and they can mix with him – something I really fought for.

The children at school are brilliant: they ask questions about him, want to help and hang out with him. He’s been invited to parties. And he’s benefitted enormously.

In P.E., he loves chasing the other kids in his walker and in singing lessons, he claps and gets very excited. But the frequency of these visits to regular school is already decreasing and, probably, by next year, he won’t be doing them at all.

Raphael, his twin brother, has Ataxic Cerebral Palsy, which means he had to learn how to walk, talk and crawl – it wasn’t a natural evolution like it is in other babies. But with a one-on-one teaching assistant helping him, he’s keeping up with his peers in reading, writing and spelling in a mainstream school.

Saffron doesn't have any disability, although she was born very premature and struggles as the sibling of brothers with special needs. She’s quite shy and introverted, and can be hard on herself.

And then there’s Kitty, who’s four. She was my last frozen embryo that resulted from the same egg donor as the triplets and, again, my husband’s sperm.

People are surprised I had another child and often ask me, ‘Why?’.

I explain that I had Kitty because I felt cheated out of being pregnant the first time round and wanted to experience what it would be like to be able to take a newborn baby home with me.

I also wanted Saffron to have a sibling that she could relate to and hang out with when she’s older.

When they handed me Kitty, my initial reaction was:

‘Are you really not going to do lots of tests on her and take her away from me?’

She’s my gift. I call her my guardian angel because I believe that she was sent to protect me and keep me sane. She’s my reality check on what having a neurotypical child is like because she’s so easy to manage.

At home, we have a live-in carer who gets Theodore ready for school in the morning, while I organise the others.

In the afternoons, we do dual pick-up, take them to their after-school clubs and come home for dinner, bathtime and bed. We split it between the pair of us: divide and conquer.

My husband works away a lot, so I rely very heavily on our carer.

Luckily, we’ve only had three in the last nine years. I like to think people stay with us for long periods because they become part of our family.

Daily difficulties

In my unique position, I can see that there’s a lot that parents of neurotypical children take for granted.

Take playdates – we don’t really do them. Logistically, it’s difficult. If we all went, it would involve bringing a lot of equipment for Theodore. It’s easier just to get everyone home.

Birthdays are tricky, too: when it’s the triplets’ birthday, I organise a special ‘party’ for Theodore at his specialist school. I send in an entertainer or music teacher to sing songs with his class, then their parents don’t have to worry about taking them anywhere.

Even just weekends can be hard: we can’t stray far. Theodore doesn’t cope well with new things – he (and therefore I) find it stressful and sometimes he ends up screaming.  

The other kids are always very empathetic and understanding; they never say ‘Oh, Theodore’s ruined our day.’

Likewise, eating out is never straightforward. You have to do a risk assessment in your head before you go anywhere: does the restaurant have steps? Is there a lift? How will we get Theodore in and out? It’s about stress over enjoyment and a lot of the time it just doesn’t add up. 

Holidays also involve a huge amount of preparation because of all Theodore’s equipment. The minimum he needs is his wheelchair, a chair he can sit and be fed in, a bath seat and a seat for the plane. That’s four pieces of equipment before we even think about the other kids.

This year we went to the Centre Algarve in Portugal that caters for people who are disabled. It’s run by volunteers and there are hoists in the bedrooms and for the swimming pool, as well as wheelchair friendly minibuses.

It was nice to be around other families in the same situation as us. We didn’t feel like you were being judged or anyone was staring. Everyone looked out for other’s kids so it was really nice and relaxing.

The future

Theodore's future is quite black and white: he’ll always either be with us or in a care home – a thought I find terrifying.

Having a disabled child who’s one hundred percent reliant on you means facing up to the fact that, if ever you weren’t able to look after them for whatever reason, they’d have to go to a specialist setting, like a residential home. For me, that’s heartbreaking.

But at the same time, I wouldn’t want my other children to feel like they have to look after their siblings. I want them to live their lives to the full.

With Raphael, it’s more uncertain. He’s doing well but he struggles with independence; he may have to live in sheltered housing or be unable to work. We just don’t know at this point.

On the outside, he presents as a neurotypical child, but that makes him very vulnerable. I worry about him going out into the big, bad world because he has very low risk levels and other people could lead him into danger or get him in trouble, without him realising.

When I think about the future, sometimes I’m overwhelmed. What would happen if anything happened to me? This is something all parents worry about, but my children are particularly dependent on me. I try not to think about it too much.  

How it’s changed me

One of the things I’m most sad about is not seeing old friends any more. I don’t know whether it’s because of my children’s disabilities or if they find it all too much, but communication has waned, and I feel let down. This is when I really needed people to step up to the mark.

They had children before me and I was always around to help out when their kids were young. I’d love it if they’d visit or phone sometimes. It would be nice if they asked how I was doing or say, ‘Do you want to talk about it?’ It can be lonely and I think they could be more supportive.

In terms of my relationship with my husband, it’s definitely put a strain on our marriage. As a stay-at-home carer, my life has changed dramatically but my partner’s has, to some extent, stayed the same, as he travels in the week with work, and is home at the weekends.

There have been good changes, too, though. I’m much more empathetic –  not that I wasn’t before – but I’m more mindful of inclusivity, whether it’s a disability, ethnicity or gender stance.

It also makes you more tenacious. I fight for things and stand up for what I think is right, like getting Theodore into a mainstream school. Nothing is easy or straightforward.

It’s hard work, but I have the most remarkable kids. The fact that Theodore is here, loved by everybody and has such a fantastic sense of humour is incredible. And when I think of the massive mountains the three of them have overcome to get to their amazing seven years, it blows me away. 

One thing I’ve learnt as the parent of a disabled child is …

To always reinforce inclusivity. Don’t always assume that the parent of a child with additional needs ‘can’t do’. You should always include everyone and consider everyone’s needs.

If there are three things I could tell mum who has a disabled child, they would be:

1. One day at a time. When your children are young, don’t think too far into the future. You can run away with yourself and get stressed about whether they’ll walk, talk etc. I’ve learned that you don’t know what the future holds so there’s no point thinking too far ahead.

2. Embrace it. Your situation is what it is so enjoy it. You’ve got to ride the lows and embrace the highs. 

3. Fight. You are the voice of your child and you’ll come across plenty of tricky situations, whether it’s getting a blue badge or a piece of equipment. Be prepared to battle for whatever it is your child needs.

The parent like me that I most look up to is …

My friend Jane.

She has twins and is amazing. She travels all the time; does half marathons, pushing her little girl (who has a similar disability to Theodore), and she and her husband run their own business, which has won several awards.

I don’t know how she does it.

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