Causes of miscarriage

First published on Tuesday 4 October 2016 Last modified on Monday 8 October 2018

Woman lying down covering her face with her hands

There may be many reasons why a miscarriage will happen but usually a cause is never found. Most miscarriages are thought to be caused by abnormal chromosomes (that guide a baby's development). What is important to know is that a miscarriage is very unlikely to have been caused by anything that you or your partner have, or haven't done.

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Causes of miscarriage

A miscarriage is a loss of a pregnancy in the first 23 weeks. It's estimated that generally one in six pregnancies will end in miscarriage, with many more miscarriages occurring before a woman even knows she's pregnant.

If it does happen to you, it's only natural to want to know what's caused it. Although it's not always possible to detect this, here are some of the most common explanations for it happening:

  • Chromosome problems

The NHS estimates that up to two-thirds of early miscarriages are associated with chromosome abnormalities. This is most likely to be a one-off occurrence and doesn't mean there's any problem with the mother or father's chromosomes. Chromosomes are blocks of DNA and control a range of growth factors, from cell development to eye colour.

Sometimes something happens at the point of conception and the foetus may get too many or not enough chromosomes, which affects the foetus development, resulting in a miscarriage.

  • Weakened cervix

If the muscles of the cervix (neck of the womb) are weaker than usual, this can cause it to open too early during pregnancy. Also known as a weakened cervix or cervical incompetence, this can lead to miscarriage.

  • Placenta abnormalities

If there's a problem with the placenta that links you to your baby, this can cause a miscarriage.

  • Hormonal problems

Women with an irregular cycle or hormonal defects may find it more difficult to conceive and have an increased risk of miscarriage.

  • Infections

Illnesses such as rubella, measles, cytomegalovirus or food poisoning (listeria, salmonella, toxoplasmosis) can be linked to miscarriage.

  • Fibroids

Large fibroids (on or around your uterus) or other womb abnormalities can lead to a miscarriage, usually later on in pregnancy.

  • Cigarettes/alcohol/caffeine

Doctors agree that if you smoke, drink over the recommended units of alcohol or consume too much caffeine, your risk of miscarriage is increased. The World Health Organisation is carrying out research into the effects of e-cigarettes during pregnancy.

Find out how to keep an eye on your caffeine intake during pregnancy here.

  • Hughes Syndrome (APS)

This is an autoimmune disease. It attacks the lining of cells so can increase miscarriage risk. One in 500 people are affected, going up to 1 in 10 if you have a relative with it. Read more here.

  • Ectopic pregnancy

This is where the egg settles outside the womb (usually the fallopian tube). The first symptoms are pain and vaginal bleeding, often accompanied by dizziness. If you have these it is important you contact your GP immediately – or go to hospital – so that you have a scan to rule out an ectopic pregnancy.

  • Blighted ovum

This occurs when the fertilised egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus, but the embryo does not develop.

  • Age

The risk of miscarriage increases with age. When you reach 35, you have a one in five chance of miscarriage. By the age of 45, you have a 50% chance of having a miscarriage. (Source: NHS)

  • Long-term health conditions

Certain conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, lupus and thyroid issues can increase your chances of miscarriage.

What can cause a miscarriage?

Although the list above covers some of the causes of miscarriage, it's often impossible to know why a miscarriage occurs.

Many miscarriages can happen in healthy young women, without any identifiable cause. They''re often attributed to chromosomal defects in the foetus that prevent the baby from developing normally.

Although this is heartbreaking to experience, it's important to remember that many will go on to have happy, healthy pregnancies, free from any problems.

Contrary to what many people believe, you don't have to be overweight or suffering from a serious medical problem to be at risk – many miscarriages occur in healthy young women without any identifiable cause.

What doesn't cause a miscarriage?

Although it's easy to blame yourself or something you did, thought or ate for your miscarriage, the NHS confirms that these things don't cause a miscarriage to happen:

  • stress, depression or your emotional state during pregnancy
  • having a shock or fright during pregnancy
  • exercise during pregnancy – but always discuss with your GP or midwife what type and amount of exercise is suitable for you during pregnancy
  • lifting or straining during pregnancy
  • working during pregnancy – or work that involves sitting or standing for long periods
  • sex during pregnancy
  • travelling by air
  • eating spicy food.

What's an early miscarriage?

A miscarriage is considered early if it happens within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Early miscarriage is very common, and sometimes women may experience a miscarriage before they even realise they're pregnant.

Sometimes women may feel they are not allowed to fully grieve because they lost their babies so early on. However, every loss is unique and it is important to get the help you need if you're struggling to come to terms with what has happened.

What's a late miscarriage?

A miscarriage is considered late when it occurs after 12 weeks and before 24 weeks. After this time it is classed as a stillbirth.

If you have suffered a late miscarriage you may feel that the word miscarriage doesn't do justice to the pain of your loss, and you will be grieving the death of your baby.

Please don't feel you have to go through this alone. There are many support organisations you can contact who are there to help you.

What are recurrent miscarriages?

This term is used to describe three or more miscarriages in a row. This affects about one in every 100 couples who are trying to conceive.

If you have experienced recurrent miscarriages, your GP should refer you for some tests at your local hospital to find out exactly why it keeps happening. These could include tests to look for:

  • Genetic causes. Any abnormalities in your chromosomes, although this is rare.
  • Problems with your womb. This could include any abnormalities in your womb or a weakened cervix.
  • Antibodies in your blood. High levels of antiphospholipid (aPL) antibodies in your blood can make your blood clot when it shouldn't. This 'sticky blood syndrome' is linked to miscarriage.

It could also be that age is a factor. The older you and your partner are, the higher your risk of miscarriage.

While these tests can sometimes establish why you miscarried, unfortunately they are not always conclusive. This can be really hard to cope with. However, do try and keep in mind that even after three miscarriages, most couples will have a successful pregnancy next time.

What's a missed miscarriage?

Also known as a silent miscarriage, this is when there no outward signs of miscarriage such as bleeding or pain. As such, you are likely to be unaware that there is a problem.

Not only that, your body might still be producing pregnancy hormones, meaning you're still experiencing symptoms of pregnancy.

This could mean you may not realise something is wrong until your first ultrasound scan. At this stage you could be told there is no heartbeat or that the pregnancy sac is empty, meaning the embryo stopped growing.

A silent miscarriage can be a huge shock when you had no inkling anything was wrong.

Bleeding during pregnancy: am I having a miscarriage?

Bleeding at any stage of pregnancy can be frightening and you should call your GP, midwife or hospital immediately if you notice spotting or experience abdominal pains.

They will probably examine you or perform an ultrasound to find out what is causing the bleeding and to check everything looks ok.

Sometimes you can experience bleeding and pain but your pregnancy continues. This is known as a threatened miscarriage.

In fact, it's not uncommon for women to experience bleeding in the first trimester and many of those who do are not necessarily at risk of miscarrying their baby.

Around 50% of women who are referred to hospital for a scan because of bleeding go on to have a normal pregnancy and a healthy baby.

If you have already progressed well into your pregnancy and suffer bleeding or abdominal pain you should ring your midwife or go directly to A&E out of hours.

Miscarriage support: who can I talk to?

You can find dedicated support from others who've been through the same thing in our Coffeehouse forum. Or, talk to:

  • The Miscarriage Association – a charity that offers support to people who have lost a baby. They have a helpline (01924 200 799, Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm).
  • Cruse Bereavement Care helps people understand their grief and cope with their loss. They have a helpline (0844 477 9400, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).