How to get back in shape after pregnancy

First published on Friday 30 September 2016 Last modified on Tuesday 29 December 2020

Person walking along in a trainer to exercise

After nine months of pregnancy, it’s no wonder your body looks different after giving birth. If you’re keen to get back in shape, here are some gentle exercises and workouts to try when you feel ready.

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You may well look down at your body in the months after having a baby and wonder if it's ever going to look the same again.

Your abdominal muscles will have been stretched to the limit to accommodate your growing bump, leaving you with a 'baby belly'. You will also have put on weight, which is a natural part of pregnancy.

Judy DiFiore, author of The Complete Guide to Postnatal Fitness says, 'Our bodies often change shape permanently after giving birth'.

'Sometimes you just have to accept that and remind yourself that, in the grand scheme of things, it's a small price to pay for the wonderful bundle you have.'

Judy's book is available on Amazon – see more details here.

But there are things you can do to help yourself get back into shape and regain your fitness after birth.

And we don't mean dieting (it's not recommended if you're breastfeeding and hey, you need to build up your strength when you're looking after your new baby).

Exercise is your best bet, combined with sensible, healthy eating. Not only does it improve your general health and fitness, exercise releases endorphins, the 'feel-good' hormones.

Even if all you can manage is a 20-30 minute walk a few times a week, you'll still be burning calories and fat, and getting gradually fitter. Over time, you can build up to more intense exercise.

How soon can I exercise after having a baby?

Getting back into shape after pregnancy is something to start when you feel ready – be it six weeks or six months down the line. And even then it should be a slow, gradual process.

When it comes to postpartum weight loss and fitness, it's important to take things easy at first. Your ligaments and joints are more supple after giving birth, plus your lower back and core abdominal muscles may be weaker, so it's easier to injure yourself.

It’s a good idea to wait until after your six-week postnatal check with your GP before you start any high-impact exercise, and longer if you had a C-section.

If you have any concerns, always check with your GP or health visitor before starting any new exercise regime.

'It's really important to give yourself a break and not put too much pressure on yourself. It took nine months to make your baby, so give yourself at least that long to get back in shape', says Judy.

Take note of how you're feeling. If you're completely exhausted after exercising, feel dizzy, or show any signs of bleeding, you may be overdoing it and should dial it down a little.

Luckily, there are some gentle exercises you can do straight away. Here's all you need to know about exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor.

Exercises for new mums

Gentle exercise that raise your heart rate include:

1. Power walking
Power walking is an ideal way for new mums to exercise as it can fit into a normal day. Keep an eye on your posture while out and about with your baby (ie make sure you're not hunched over your baby's buggy and the handle is the right height), and be extra careful not to put strain on your body if you've had a C-section.

Judy, who also teaches buggy workout sessions, says: 'We tell mums in our classes to walk tall with relaxed shoulders, elbows and wrists.

'Lengthen your stride to give your legs and buttocks a really good workout, and keep up a good pace.'

2. Pilates or yoga
Pilates and yoga are great for improving strength and flexibility.

Some moves and poses are intense and may not be suitable, so do make sure your instructor is qualified and let them know you're a new mum when you start.

3. Swimming
A perfect all-round exercise, swimming will increase your heart rate and is also low impact.

Take care to keep your head down if you're doing breaststroke, though – holding it up can put a strain on your neck and lower back.

If you want to, you might even like to go to an aqua aerobics class, although do check with the instructor first, and always let them know that you're a new mum.

4. Exercise classes
These vary in their intensity, so stick to one specifically designed for postnatal women.

Find a postnatal exercise class in your area by checking our local listings.

If in doubt, ask the instructor first, and make sure they know you're a new mum. Often, there'll be lower-impact alternatives to some of the moves that are more suitable for you.

The great thing about postnatal classes is that they're designed for parents with babies, so you usually won't have to worry about childcare. And, even better, you'll make friends with new parents going through all the same things you are!

Healthy eating

Whilst it's important to avoid strict diets after giving birth, now is a good time to establish some new rules when it comes to healthy eating.

You'll need your energy for looking after your new bundle, so eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet is essential. By eating right, you can also speed up your metabolism and keep cravings at bay.

Here are some tips:

  • Focus on eating smaller, balanced meals throughout the day
  • Eat a substantial breakfast – it's your most important meal of the day!
  • Have plenty of protein to control hunger – whether it be meat, fish, eggs, or nuts.
  • Add extra fibre to your meals to help keep you feeling fuller for longer.
  • Don't forget about healthy fats like nuts and avocados.
  • Try to have plenty of fresh fruit and vegetable snacks on hand.

There's no need to completely deprive yourself of anything, but if you want to have a treat, try to limit it to no more than once every day or two.

Top tips for postnatal exercise ...

  • Get a decent pair of trainers (don't forget that your feet can increase in size during pregnancy).
  • Get measured for a new, well-fitting sports bra. If you're breastfeeding, feed your baby beforehand to avoid leakage, and pop in a couple of breast pads, just in case.
  • If you're trying an exercise or class you've not done before, always speak to your midwife or GP first.
  • Keep yourself well hydrated during and after exercise.
  • Take some snacks along to refuel afterwards – a banana, some mixed nuts and raisins, an apple with peanut butter, or a protein smoothie are ideal.
  • Exercise with a qualified instructor wherever possible.
  • Listen to your body and go at your own pace. Take regular rest breaks, too.
  • Remember to allow yourself plenty of time to achieve change. If you do things slowly, you're more likely to maintain it and any excess weight is likely to stay off.

Have you got any tips on getting back in shape post-pregnancy? Share them over on our forum:

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