Autism and Asperger: preschool children

First published on Tuesday 13 September 2016 Last modified on Wednesday 2 October 2019

autistic child playing with bricks

Discover the experiences of Netmums who have an autistic child, and read their advice on day-to-day life ...

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Tantrums and tears are not unique to autistic toddlers or pre-schoolers, of course, but having a little one who is on the autistic spectrum can mean additional challenges for parents.

Find out how other Netmums members have discovered their child is autistic, find out about their day-to-day experiences, and, of course, the high-points of life with an autistic child.

If your child is older, read the first-hand accounts from parents with autistic children:

Autism in school-age children

Autism in older children and teenagers

Or about the day one mum was told her son was autistic.

"My child has recently been diagnosed with autism"

"Ivy is 4 1/2 and was recently diagnosed with Autism and since then we have had a good level of support. We live in Newbury, Berkshire, and I would just like to say that this county has the best resources for children/adults with this diagnosis.

"Ivy is on the mild end of the spectrum and starts mainstream Primary School in Sept.

"Life is tough but Ivy is brilliant, she has a great sense of humour, loves life and is always ready for a cuddle.

"She has speech delay but it is getting better, she will interact with her peers when she wants to, she is a great footballer and dancer. She loves learning and is great (we are biased though).

"Ivy repeats words a lot, if she is frightened or scared she will cover her ears, she cannot cope with low level noises. She can get scared of people, especially strangers, then on the other hand she could go up to a stranger and say hello (depends on the day).

"My husband and I have attended our local EarlyBird Plus course and a Language Course and these were a lifeline – they provide a book which is really informative (I could cover it but we would be here forever!). If you get offered a place on one of these schemes please take it, it will change your life.

"My husband and I take one day at a time. There are hurdles to cross and the challenges can be great. We always knew that Ivy was different and there was something wrong.

"If any parent has concerns go to your GP, keep pushing, involve your Nursery Setting, use your Health Visitor (if you have one). As parents we have more power then they will ever let you know. Read up on Autism by all means, just learn what to take on board and what to disregard – not everything they say will apply to your child.

"If your child does get a diagnosis try and not blame this and that. My husband and I knew but to hear the words was upsetting. I blamed myself and sometimes still do, I grieved for the daughter I would not know.

"I would just like to say that even on the dark days when Ivy is struggling I do cry (when she has gone to bed). I am very proud of my girl and so is my husband, she didn't ask for any of it, and neither did we but you try to move on." - Mandie Mitchell

"My two-year-old gets frustrated"

"My daughter Jessica, who's 2 1/2 years-old, is autistic. She's a happy little girl and tries hard at everything but gets very frustrated at not being to understand certain things and situations.

"She has slow speech but is coming on in leaps and bounds with the extra help she gets.

"It can be hard when strangers ask why she isn't playing with other children or talking but as she looks 'normal', I feel the need to have to explain about the autism to them.

"It's sad when she won't interact with me or family members and gives no eye contact but I just have to put that aside and try to help her develop as much as I can. I would never change her – having autism makes her who she is." - Hollie

"The nursery mentioned they thought she was showing autistic tendencies"

"I have a 3 year-old daughter who has some form of Autism Spectrum Disorder. I always had concerns about some of the things that she does but just put it down to slow development.

"She has been able to speak since she was one and likes company (well mine, anyway) so autism didn't even come into my head, until on Good Friday the girls who run her nursery mentioned they thought she was showing autistic tendencies – obviously this ruined our Easter weekend completely.

"I went through all the emotions: grief, guilt, anger, bitterness, fear, dread, doubt etc, then decided to read as much my brain and emotions could deal with and do my best to get in touch with other local parents in a bid to get as much information as possible on the condition.

"At first my husband and I were unsure whether their suspicions were correct and we had almost convinced ourselves that she was fine, but the more I read the more the 3 impairments stuck out.

"We love our little girl (an only child) very much, though she can be hard work.

"My husband works full time and only sees her for half an hour on weekdays. I was self-employed and worked from home but have had to give up as there simply aren't enough hours in the day and I could feel myself reaching breaking point.

"Being at home with my daughter is difficult as she doesn't play with toys properly and will only play with a select few items.

"If we go out to say a play area or the swimming baths we have to go early in the morning so there aren't too many other children there.

"The park can be hit and miss too as she will only want to go to certain parks and will tend to only go on the swings. She won't venture off on her own at the park or play area – I still have to climb around with her.

"Also simple things like getting feet measured is a no-no for us as the whole process terrifies her and she hates having her feet touched.

"Our house has suffered too – I used to be so house proud but the hoover and lawn mower scare my girl and she ends up in floods of tears – sometimes getting my hair dry can be a challenge, and if I want a shower I have to have it after she is in bed as that terrifies her too.

"We have the hurdle of a diagnosis to deal with, but that will probably be next year (takes about 12 months I believe).

In the meantime we need to get her education sorted out – we are on our third attempt at settling her into nursery and I am attending with her for 1.5 hrs twice a week at the moment, with an aim to getting an assistant at nursery so that she can go without me, therefore giving me a couple of daytime hours during the week to clean the house and try and fit in some 'me time'.

"Life is certainly not easy with our ASD child but I take comfort in the fact that there is always somebody in a worse position and in the general scheme of things our girl is quite high functioning." - Michelle Hayes

"The tantrums can go on all day"

"I thought I'd share my experience of living with a daughter who has Autism and Dyspraxia. My daughter is 4 years old and has hardly any vocabulary, she communicates through a mixture of PECS (picture exchange system) and Makaton.

"She is just about to enter mainstream education and the worry is that she will be rejected by her peers and she will close back off to the world and go into herself again where she feels safe.

"Daily battle with all the same things that other mums and parents go through. However she has been throwing tantrums for over 2 years and the tantrums go on all day. Once she starts there is no let up in it.

"She hardly sleeps and hasn't sleep through the night for almost two and a half years. This leaves me exhausted, but she still has the same energy levels that most children have.

"She is a very kind and loving little girl but has no way of showing it. So when she wants love and attention she will smack and pull you.

"No malice is meant but other children and parents can't see this. She looks very big for her age and is almost as tall as her 9 year-old cousin. She stands over a head taller than most of the children in her class. This in itself leads people to expect much more of her.

"Most people don't even think there is anything wrong with her, just that she is shy, but in reality it has taken a massive team of workers and my dedication to make it possible for her to go out. She will not make eye contact with men and will hardly sign in public.

"She also becomes obsessional over items. She is very precise on where and how things should go and any step outside the routine will descend into a day of hell for her and me usually.

"She has not had a proper hair cut for 3 years as she has a massive phobia of scissors, although this is common for children. How can you communicate with her when she does not understand us?

"Having to learn Makaton has been very difficult due to a lack of courses run for parents and we have learnt a lot of it through watching 'Something Special' on CBeebies.

"When it was suggested that she had autism and dyspraxia, I fought long and hard for her not to be labelled but she needs a label to get help. This is not a case of a naughty girl and a inattentive parent which its also though by some people.

"Daily it is a struggle to have to explain to people what is wrong because when she goes into a tantrum in public we get the looks and the comments that strangers give us. But what they don't realise is that she doesn't have the same social skills or understanding as the average child does.

"There is also no reasoning with her and on a whole she is unbribeable. It's taken over a year to get her dry during the day and she is still not clean or dry at night. She has no regard for personal hygiene and has to still be dressed like a baby – this is the dyspraxia as she has very poor coordination and motor skills.

"This is just a small part of our daily life and with out my family near by I wouldn't have got this far.

"When you have a child with special needs you must ask for help and support from people around you. Otherwise you will feel so alone.

"Saying all this I count my blessings every day that I have her and even when its been 5 days straight since the last time we slept and she's screaming the flat down, I still love her just the same." - R. Inglis

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