Aubergine recipes

Got a spare aubergine? We have all the recipes ideas you need to turn it into something delicious...

Aubergine bake


A great recipe that both vegetarians and meat-eaters can enjoy!

Baba ghanoush

Baba ghanoush is a Lebanese dish which comprises of soft aubergine and spices – it’s a delicious alternative to...

Breaded aubergine

A quick and delicious vegetarian meal

Grilled aubergine

A delicious Mediterranean-style meal

Halloumi burgers with carrot chips


Halloumi and aubergine-stuffed pittas

Halloumi kebabs


Halloumi, red onion and aubergine kebabs

Halloumi pitta with lemon couscous and slaw


Pittas stuffed with halloumi and slaw

Mini moussakas


Individual moussakas which are perfect for toddlers and baby-led weaning

Miso aubergine with sticky toasted sesame oil

Vegan Japanese dinner with roasted aubergine and savoury sesame oil



A hearty family meal...

Quorn Mince Volcano Lasagne


Quorn Mince and aubergine lasagne with oozy cheese and tomato 'lava'

Roasted vegetable pasta sauce for kids


This is a great recipe and really high in vitamins as the vegetables are all cooked in their own juices and nothing...

Spinach and aubergine curry

Quick and easy vegan curry recipe packed with healthy greens

Tomato & aubergine gnocchi bake


This rich and satisfying vegetarian dish can be baked in the oven or cooked on the cooker top, it is comfort food at...

Vegetable goulash


This tasty one pot veggie meal can be made in the slow cooker, cooked on the hob or in a casserole in the oven...