Netmums Voices: 'What it’s like being a disabled mum'

First published on Thursday 5 December 2019 Last modified on Thursday 5 December 2019

Annie Makoff-Clark

Annie Makoff-Clark, 35, is a freelance journalist who lives in Kent with her partner Paul and their six-year-old daughter, Elena. A history buff, she has an unhealthy obsession with anything 18th century and is currently working on a historical fiction piece set in Georgian England.

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My six-year-old daughter Elena likes to call my right hand my ‘magic hand’ because it has just two fingers. Sometimes she likes to clutch it tightly, until she falls asleep.

She’ll watch me remove my artificial eye and put it away in the bathroom cupboard, and sometimes help me take off my prosthetic leg so we can snuggle down together, without plastic in the way.

It’s always been like this between us, and for Elena, it is entirely normal. I don’t know when that moment struck her, when she realised that other mummies didn’t have missing fingers, plastic legs they take off at night and artificial eyes they store away in cupboards.

But there must have been a moment, or maybe a gradual realisation that her mummy is different.

Genetic ‘risk’

My disability, which I’ve had from birth – Goltz Syndrome – was only diagnosed when I was 28, two years before my partner and I decided to conceive. Before then, I’d been living with an undiagnosed disability and undergone numerous surgeries and medical procedures, including barbaric leg lengthening procedures – 22 pins and rods going right through my leg for 18 months and two amputations, to name but a few.

Some would say we took a ‘risk’ having a child, given there was a one in four chance I would pass on my genetic mutation to my child. But we never saw it as a risk.

If any child of ours happened to have a disability, did that mean they had less right to life than I did? Or I had less right to be a mother than the next person?

As a disabled woman, I don’t subscribe to the view that disabled people shouldn’t have children. That becomes a debate around eugenics and, when you get into that realm, fascism and its dangerous obsession with the ‘master race’ isn’t far away.

I’d have been horrified if that was even an option for someone to suggest it, as it’s horrifically unethical.

There would have been no way of knowing if my embryo had Goltz anyway. My ultra-rare genetic mutation only shows itself later on in foetal development, if at all, or sometimes post birth.

So yes, we were aware of the chances of any child of mine being born with a disability and we could only guess at the difficulties I might face as a disabled parent. We went ahead anyway, knowing that whatever happened, we’d be able to give our children a stable and loving home.

'Elena is a confident, thoughtful, clever little thing with a sense of humour typical of a six-year-old'

Elena’s birth

I ended up having an emergency c-section so all my careful birth plans went out the window. Not only was I in pain because of the c-section but I couldn’t reach my leg to put it on to get to my baby, who was in a cot away from the bed, or even go to the toilet.

In the end, when they handed her to me, I didn't let her go, and kept her on me all the time, so I didn't have to keep asking for her to be put back and forth in the cot.  

I just held onto my bladder and waited for my partner to come and help me with my leg as the post-birth ward I was on was so short-staffed and couldn’t help me with my specific needs.

When we got home, sleeping and breastfeeding were challenging, but we muddled through, as most families do. Elena never took to her cot so we bed-shared, safely of course, from day one.

It was easier to breastfeed her that way too: I didn’t need to rely on my partner to lift her out of her cot, she was just there, rooting and kicking her little legs and arms delightedly.

Breastfeeding was quite a journey for us all. I struggled with the usual issues most first-time mums go through – getting the latch right, nipple pain, finding the right position. I was visited regularly by breastfeeding specialists, all determined to help us succeed.

And we did, although it took eight long weeks of frustration. We got there, through perseverance and bloody determination. In fact, six years later, Elena has only just stopped breastfeeding!

Parenting challenges

Elena has no disabilities. She’s a confident, thoughtful, clever little thing with a sense of humour typical of a six-year-old (‘Mummy has a smelly bum!’). But parenting a very active child has its challenges for someone like me.

I was more-or-less housebound for the first six months of Elena’s life because we lived in a basement flat in London. My health visitor was useless. She barely looked at either me or Elena and then advised me to ‘think positive’ because obviously, that solves everything, right?

I couldn’t carry both the pram and Elena safely up the steps to the road, so I was utterly reliant on my partner to get us out the house. I look back at that time with great sadness, I felt lonely and extremely isolated, despite the support of my family.

Once we moved to Kent, I learned to drive and my partner built a ramp outside the house, and we went to every mother and baby group going!

Other mothers I met, then and now, have always been lovely. I’ve never been treated any differently.

'I enlisted the help of a wonderful sling consultant who spent hours patiently helping me work out which was the best one for me.'

I struggled with slings, finding one I could wear for long enough without Elena's weight causing pain in my prosthetic limb. I looked high and low but there were no products on the market designed for disabled parents.

In the end, I enlisted the help of a wonderful sling consultant, Becky Derham, who visited me at home, armed with a multitude of slings and spent hours patiently helping me work out which was the best one for me.

When Elena got too big for slings and started walking – and running! – I had to use reins to keep her safe. One awful time, two-year-old Elena broke away from me and made a beeline for the main road, shrieking with laughter as I limped after her in a blind panic. Just as she stepped out onto the busy road, the tips of my fingers reached the hood of her coat.

She fell backwards and howled, but she was safe at least. That was one risk too far for me: after that she had to stay in reins until she was three.

'Elena quite enjoys helping me remove the various components of my ‘arty-fish-al’ leg.'

Trial and error

It’s impossible to predict challenges in parenting – you just have to make adjustments as you go. As Elena’s got older, there have been fewer physical challenges but more emotional ones.

Like when her friends want to know why her mummy has a ‘funny’ hand or sometimes walks with a stick. Elena has sometimes remarked to me sadly, ‘You’re the only mummy who can’t run!’ or once, rather endearingly, ‘I wish you didn’t have a disabled stump, Mummy.’

It’s so important to acknowledge children’s feelings, so even when Elena inadvertently makes hurtful remarks, I make sure to validate them but also use it as a chance to start conversations about diversity and difference.

More often though, Elena quite enjoys helping me remove the various components of my ‘arty-fish-al’ leg and sometimes we’ll howl with laughter when I remove my artificial eye and press it on to my forehead and pretend to ‘watch her’ with it.

Elena has taken my disability all in her stride, probably because I have, too. One of the first times I met my now-closest friend, her four-year-old daughter asked, ‘Why has your mummy got a yellow foot?’

It was summer, I was wearing sandals and at the time, yellow was the closest skin match the NHS could provide.

Elena, then three, just shrugged: ‘It’s plastic,’ she said, as if that explained everything.

A disabled mum is still a mum

When I reflect on my life as a disabled parent, it’s difficult to separate my experience as a parent from that as a disabled woman. How different would it be if I were able-bodied? I have the same frustrations as everyone else: the stressful school runs, the battles over dinner, the arguments in toy shops.

But I also have additional struggles, like when Elena wants to go to a playground after school and I can’t because my limb has swelled up too much.

On the whole though, I’d say Elena’s rather blasé about the whole thing. It’s society who isn’t. I’m either ‘brave’ or someone to be pitied. Actually, I’m neither.

There’s nothing brave about me: I wouldn’t walk into a burning building to rescue someone’s hamster just as I wouldn’t choose to ride on a rollercoaster at a fairground.

I’m also not an object of pity – I’m just a slightly eccentric parent who happens to have a disability.

What I’ve learned as a disabled mum ...

Your child will still be fascinated by other people’s disabilities (and be rude about them).

Elena – three at the time – pointed at a man with a hand deformity and shrieked, “Mummy! Look at his funny hand!”

If I could tell another disabled mum three things … 

1. Disability is irrelevant. You are still the most important person in the world to your baby.
2. You can’t plan for the unexpected: there will be challenges you won’t have thought about, however thoroughly you’ve prepared for parenthood.
3. Just do your thing. Society can be judgemental, narrow-minded and infuriatingly patronising. Ignore it – you’ve got this!

A parent like me I look up to is ...

She’s not disabled, but I admire my friend Aileen’s parenting style. She has two school-age children and is gentleness personified.

Instead of shouting, she calmly yet firmly explains what she expects of her children while validating any emotions or big feelings they might be having. She gives them ‘time in’ with her to reflect and discuss what’s going on for them.

Are you a parent with a disability? Chat about it in our forum thread below.

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