Am I being gaslighted? Recognise the signs of emotional abuse and how to get help

First published on Monday 2 August 2021 Last modified on Friday 3 September 2021

Left: Woman with hand on faceRight: Woman sat at table looking sad

Sharon Bryan from the National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV) explains how to spot the signs of gaslighting and where to get support

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that most often occurs in abusive relationships – but it can be hard for victims to recognise it's happening to them.

Such is the manipulation, victims are left questioning their own thoughts, memories, and the events occurring around them and can be pushed so far they start to believe they're 'going mad'.

The National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV) can help victims get non-molestation orders against their ex partner, but the victim needs to first recognise they're a victim.

'I'd go so far as to say that gaslighting happens in every abusive relationship,' says Sharon Bryan from NCDV.

'If you’ve got physical, financial or sexual abuse, there's always an element of gaslighting which happens in these abusive relationships.

'Victims don't tend to recognise emotional abuse as domestic abuse though. A lot think domestic abuse is about being beaten up, but of course it's not.

NCDV specialises in protective orders for survivors of domestic abuse and can help victims secure an order through the family and civil courts for free.

Sharon, 55, who has 23 years' frontline experience of working with the victims of domestic abuse – and is herself a domestic abuse survivor – says it's important people recognise when they're being gaslighted.

Sharon Bryan
Sharon Bryan, from the National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV) helps victims of domestic abuse

The term 'gaslighting' comes from a play, which then became a film made in 1944, called Gaslight.

In the film, the abusive husband, played by Charles Boyer, manipulates and torments his wife, played by Ingrid Bergman, to convince her she’s going mad.

Sharon added:

'Gaslighting, is a form of manipulation. Gaslighting can happen in many types of relationships, but one of the most destructive forms of gaslighting is when it occurs in an intimate relationship.'

Some signs of gaslighting are:

  • no longer feeling like the person you used to be
  • being more anxious and less confident
  • often wondering if you’re being too sensitive
  • feeling like everything you do is wrong
  • thinking it’s your fault when things go wrong
  • apologising for things that you don’t actually think you are at fault with
  • sensing that something’s wrong, but not being able to identify what it is
  • questioning yourself in relation to whether your response to your partner is appropriate (e.g., wondering if you were too unreasonable or not loving enough)
  • making excuses for your partner’s behaviour
  • not telling friends or family how you feel to avoid confrontation about your partner
  • feeling isolated from friends and family
  • finding it really difficult to make decisions
  • feeling hopeless and useless and taking little or no pleasure in things you used to enjoy

You may also hear gaslighting being called coercive control which became a crime in the UK in 2015, meaning gaslighting within intimate relationships also become a crime under coercive control legislation.

Sharon adds:

'Gaslighting takes many forms. It may show itself as blatant lies. You will know they are lying. Yet, they constantly deny that they are, making you eventually doubt yourself and become unclear on the simplest of matters.

'They may say something and then when you mention it they will deny ever saying such a thing. You know they did say it, but they ask you to prove it.

'You can’t, so you start to doubt your memory, question your reality and accept theirs.

'Another of the gaslighter tactics is to cause you to question things that you hold close and mean a lot to you.

'If you have a job and take great pride in your work, they will find fault with it, how you do it and ultimately question whether you are able to do the job.

'If you have children, they may question your parenting, your ways of disciplining your children. They may undermine you in front of the children.

'The gaslighting takes place over a long period of time. It does not happen suddenly. It is subtle. You may not notice it is being done at all until it is too late and you have come to believe that you do not deserve to be a parent, or have a career.

'You become a different person.

'Your self esteem becomes low and you lose your self-confidence. In the end, you become merely an extension of the gaslighter.'

Sharon points out the gaslighting isn't constant, at other times the perpetrator could 'love bomb' their partner, praise them, shower them with affection and gifts, tell them how beautiful and intelligent they are.

'It's so you forgive them,' Sharon says.

'Only for them to tear us down again. This keeps us in a constant state of confusion.

'The gaslighter also projects their failings and inadequacies onto us. If they are a liar and a cheat, they will accuse us of being the same.

'We, therefore, feel that we have to defend ourselves for things that we have not done. Ultimately, the gaslighter will tell us we are mad or have mental health issues.

'They will tell other people, our friends, family and maybe professionals that they think we have mental health issues. This way, once we do try to leave and get help, it is likely that we are not believed.'

Sharon, who also facilitates The Freedom Programme, says the abuser believes his or her behaviour is normal. They don't see it as


She adds:

'I have been told by hundreds of women over the years that to be emotionally abused, coercively controlled and/or gaslighted is far, far worse than being physically abused.

'A black eye heals. What goes into your head stays there forever.

'I helped one woman who had been subjected to appalling gaslighting, she had completely lost her own identify, she literally was an extension of him, she couldn’t  think for herself, she couldn’t make a decision for herself, she was full of doubt, it was really sad to watch.

'The mind games just awful, but she learned and realised she was a victim and she found the courage to leave him.'

How the National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV) can help

The NCDV is a community interest company which can help domestic abuse victims – both men and women – seek injunctions against perpetrators including:

  • Non-Molestation Order – preventing contact
  • Occupation Order – ordering a person to leave a property for a period of time
  • Prohibited Steps Order – to prohibit someone from changing a child’s name and/or prohibit a person from removing a child from the jurisdiction of England and Wales.

The orders are all civil orders, not criminal orders, made in the family/civil courts.  

A breach of a non-molestation injunction is an arrestable offence.  Some Occupation Orders come with a power of arrest attached, but not all.

A prohibited steps order does not have a power of arrest attached. However, a breach can be punishable by up to two years imprisonment and/or a £5,000 fine. 

NCDV will help victims with all aspects of securing these orders for free.

Where can I get help?

Contact the National Centre for Domestic Violence: 0800 970 2070

Contact the freephone 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247

Contact the ManKind Initiative for male domestic abuse victims: 01823 334244

Want to learn more about gaslighting - how to recognise it and ways to prevent it? We highly recommend this bestselling book written by Dr. Stephanie Sarkis. See more details at Amazon.

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