18 things only mums who work part-time know

First published on Friday 5 August 2016 Last modified on Tuesday 15 December 2020

When you have kids, working part-time is often seen as the perfect way to combine career and family.

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When you try to work from home

But as every part-timer knows, splitting your week between work and home can be both the best AND worst of both worlds.

Here, one mum reveals the truth about what it’s like to work part-time – and why it’s not always a walk in the park.

1 You’re permanently knackered

Once upon a time, you thought it was exhausting working full-time.

Then you became a mum, and you thought it was exhausting being at home with your child.

But it turns out that nothing is as knackering as trying to combine both work and home. You’re on the go from the moment you wake until the moment you fall into bed, juggling accounts and packed lunches and nursery bags and performance reviews …

No wonder you have a permanent tension headache.

2 You’re still the default parent

Even though you’re out at work too, you’re still the person everyone calls on when something goes awry at home.

Sick child? Broken boiler? School play? You’re the part-timer – and by default, the one who has to drop everything and sort out the crisis.

3 You always feel guilty

You thought that working part-time would relieve the burden of mummy guilt, but it doesn’t.

On your work days, you feel guilty for missing out on being with your kids; on your days at home, you feel guilty for entertaining your child and leaving work colleagues in the lurch until you're back in the office. It’s a constant balancing act and you always feel like you should be doing better.

4 Important work stuff always happens on your day off

It's a given that if there’s an urgent and unmissable meeting, a team bonding day or a work night out, it’s bound to be arranged for a day when you’re meant to be at home.

Do you rejig your whole schedule (and give yourself a childcare headache) to try to be there, or put your foot down and insist on keeping your day off sacred? There’s never an easy answer.

5 And important mum stuff always happens on your work day

Just as vital business affairs always seem to take place on your day off, fun mum stuff is guaranteed to happen on the days when you’re working.

Okay, so you know you can’t justify taking a day off to go on a trip to the zoo with your NCT friends, but knowing you’re missing out makes you want to throw a full-on toddler tantrum. Waaah!

6 You love the daily commute

Pre-kids, the journey to work was just another tiresome part of your day, and you often dreamed of a teleportation device to transport you from home to office.

Now, your commute is the highlight of your day. An hour sitting on the train with your head in a book, or behind the wheel with your favourite radio station turned up loud, and no one pestering you for drinks, snacks or loo trips: bliss!

7 You do more work in less time

When you put in your request to go part-time you thought that you’d end up with a reduced workload that would fit neatly into your office days.


In reality, you seem to be squeezing a full working week into just two or three days – and you’re getting paid a fraction of your old salary, too. Not fair!

8 You like being a good role model

Okay, so you wouldn’t say that you have it all, but you do like the way that working part-time sets a good example to your children, proving that you don’t have to choose between career and family. It is the 21st century, after all.

9 You like having your own money in your pocket

Even if both your salary and your partner’s go into a joint account, there’s something satisfying about knowing that you’re earning your own money (even if it’s less than you used to) and contributing to the household expenses.

And you don’t need to feel so guilty when you just HAVE to buy that pair of new shoes, either.

10 You feel like you're spreading yourself too thinly

Every mum longs for more hours in the day, but none more so than part-time working mums.

You feel like you’re doing a mediocre job at work, a mediocre job as a mum, and a mediocre job at looking after the house. You’re pulled in all directions and never seem to get the balance quite right.

11 You love getting dressed up for work

When your mum wardrobe consists of jeans, hoodies and trainers, getting dressed up on your workdays is an unexpected pleasure.

Whether you’re wearing a freshly-washed-and-ironed uniform (with no traces of baby snot) or a smart dress and heels, putting on your work clothes always makes you feel like a proper grown-up.

And you can’t overstate how good it feels to leave the house with a cute handbag rather than an overflowing nappy bag.

12 Full-timers are funny about your hours

No matter how hard you work, you know that Helen in accounts looks down on you for being 'part-time', and brings up your reduced hours in every conversation with your boss to illustrate how she’s working so much harder than you.

It’s not true, but it grates – and you’ve taken to coming in extra early and sending late-night emails from home, just to prove you’re pulling your weight.

13 It feels great to use your brain

For all that you love being with your child, spending whole days watching Peppa Pig on the iPad and singing endless renditions of Baa Baa Black Sheep can leave you feeling as if your head has turned to mush.

Thank goodness for work days, when you can switch your brain on and reassure yourself that you’re not just a nose-wiping, nursery-rhyme-singing machine, after all.

14 You feel like a trailblazer

Flexible work is the future, and it gives your ego a boost to know that you’re doing your bit for parents’ rights by showing that you can combine work and family successfully. Go you!

15 Your whole salary seems to go on childcare

Unless you’re lucky enough to have relatives who look after your child on your work days, childcare is likely to eat up more or less your entire wage packet each month.

It can be pretty soul-destroying to think about how little money you actually bring home, but at least you’re keeping your brain active and your foot in the door.

And hey, one day they’ll be at school and everything will get easier, right?

16 You resent the fact you’ve sacrificed your career

You may still be part of the workforce, but you know that if you work part-time for any length of time, you can kiss goodbye to any sort of career progression or promotion prospects.

Who said we could have it all?

17 You love the diversity of life

When you work part-time, no two days are the same. One day you’re in the office, going to meetings or seeing customers; the next, you’re scrambling around soft-play or finger painting on the kitchen floor.

You may be knackered, but you’re never bored!

18 You have the best of both worlds

For all that juggling work and family can be a struggle, you still count your blessings that you’re able to work part-time.

Your self-confidence benefits, you get to keep your professional skills up-to-date, and you have your own money to spend – but you also get the pleasure of play dates, coffee mornings and being there for your child’s milestones.

Yes, there are days when it all feels too much, but you know in your heart that you have the best of both worlds, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

A daily planner is a must for busy families. This whiteboard planner has spaces to write in for every day so you can get your whole week mapped out. See more details here at Amazon.

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