17 things only single mums know

First published on Tuesday 13 September 2016 Last modified on Wednesday 19 April 2017


Single mum with daughter

There’s no denying that being a single parent is bloody hard work. Because let’s face it, having kids is tough enough even if you’re part of a couple.

But while no one can underestimate the relentless grind of raising kids on your own, it can also be the most rewarding job in the world.

Yes, you have to bear the whole load by yourself, but you’re also the undisputed Number One in your child’s life, and that feels pretty awesome.

That’s why we love C&G baby club’s Love Don’t Judge campaign. Families come in all shapes and sizes and it’s time each and every one was celebrated!

Here, one single mum lists the things that you’ll only know if you’re bringing up children by yourself. And guess what? You’re doing an AMAZING job.

1 You live in a happy household

Even couples with the strongest relationships have their flashpoints, and it’s never nice to think that your child has overheard you screaming and swearing at each other.

But when you’re lone parenting, those explosive rows just don’t happen, and your home is so much calmer as a result.

2 You miss sharing the bad times – and the good

Of course, you miss having a partner at home on those rubbish days where one child has been in trouble at school and the other has puked all over the carpet.

And not having someone to share the highs with at the end of the day can be just as hard.

Thank goodness for our Facebook friends who can celebrate our kids’ achievements with us.

3 You couldn’t do it without your support network

Every single mum relies on a band of behind-the-scenes helpers to keep life ticking over.

Whether it’s your mum, who looks after the kids while you’re at work, your dad, who tackles DIY emergencies around the house, or the friend who knows when you need a pick-me-up phone call,.

You couldn’t do it without them.

4 You get to make all the decisions

From the small decisions (what shall we have for tea?) to the bigger ones (is she too young to have her ears pierced?) ... being a single mum means you can make them all on your own.

Sometimes the responsibility can be overwhelming. But it’s so much simpler when you don’t have to spend hours debating the pros and cons.

Plus you always get your own way – ha!

5 Being in sole charge can be terrifying

Most of the time, you just get on with bringing up your kids, knowing you’re doing the best you can.

But every now and then – usually at three o’clock in the morning – you’re struck by the sudden realisation that for everything involving your children, the buck stops with you.

It’s a scary thought and one that’s hard to shift. Util you get up in the morning and realise that actually, you’re doing a damned fine job.

6 You don’t have to share the affection

There’s none of that Daddy’s girl/Mummy’s boy crap when you’re a single parent, and no vying with each other for your children’s affections.

Nope, the kisses, hugs, love and snuggles are all yours – and rightly so.

7 You would KILL for a lie-in

No one knows the meaning of exhaustion like a single parent.

You’re on the go from the moment you wake until the moment you fall asleep. And with no one else to take the slack when there’s a nightmare or 5am wet bed to deal with, you’re on call 24/7.

And yep, that includes weekends.

A lie-in – even just until 8am – is the number one thing on your wishlist right now.

8 You know where to take shortcuts

When you’re single-handedly trying to keep all the balls in the air, parenting hacks aren’t just handy: they’re essential.

From using the TV to babysit the children while you deal with the online banking to leaving all the toys out overnight because you know they’ll just be pulled out again tomorrow, you’re saving yourself time. And sanity.

9 You’ve developed skills you didn’t know you had

In a relationship, it’s easy to fall into traditional male and female roles: you do the dishes, he does the DIY.

But when you’re raising kids alone - and the loo is blocked or your car has a flat battery - you’ve got no choice but to have a go yourself.

You often amaze yourself with the things you can do that you thought you couldn’t. And you know you’re setting your children a good example too.

10 You long for time alone – then miss your kids like crazy

As a single parent, it can be almost impossible to find time to yourself. Your kids have to come with you everywhere you go, and the thought of even nipping to the shop alone for a loaf of bread feels like a luxury.

But for all that you yearn for time alone, on the days when your ex has the children you end up rattling around the house, counting the minutes until they come home. The irony!

11 You’re an amazing role model

Being a single mum basically makes you Superwoman.

Whatever combination of kids, work and home you’re dealing with, you’re doing it on your own. Your children will grow up knowing exactly what a strong woman looks like: YOU!

12 Your child will never doubt your affection

Even when they’re in their door-slamming, ‘I hate you!’ teenage phase, you know in your heart that your child will never be able to question your unfailing love for them.

Not only were you the one who stayed when your partner left, but you’ve been there through all the years of nappy changes, nose wiping, homework supervision, friendship dramas, chicken pox …

Whatever happens, they know they can count on you.

13 You suffer sudden attacks of guilt

No matter how confident you are raising your child solo, every now and then you’re struck by the sense that you’re getting it all wrong and they’d be much better off in a stable two-parent family.

Your rational side tells you that they’re doing just fine, but your guilty conscience just won’t listen.

If you find yourself going down that path: STOP! Instead, check out C&G baby club’s #LoveDon’tJudge which is a lovely reminder that we’re all (amazing!) parents, no matter what our family dynamic. 

We need support, not judgement … and that includes from ourselves. 

14 You don’t have to deal with the in-laws

No need to endure any more tedious Sunday lunches, pretend to laugh at your father-in-law’s cringeworthy jokes or listen to your MIL criticising the way you do the housework.

Those people are out of your life. Result!

15 Your me-time is truly your own

Okay, so during your children’s waking hours you don’t get a moment’s peace or solitude.

But once they’re in bed, your time is ALL yours. If you want to leave the dishes in the sink and watch four episodes of The Big Bang Theory back to back, go for it.

You are your own boss.

16 You feel like you’re on a tightrope

Being a single mum is a finely honed balancing act, and it only takes one small wobble to tip you over the edge.

Just what are you supposed to do when Child 1 has come down with a vomiting bug and you’re meant to be watching Child 2’s school play this evening? Argh!

17 You get to take all the credit

When you’re a single mum and your children spend most of their time with you, it’s your love, boundaries, values and hard work that shape them.

So whenever someone tells you that your kids are a credit to you, you get to claim the whole lot for yourself.

And it’s thoroughly well-deserved.

'Love Don't Judge'

C&G baby club can provide you with free information and guidance to help you follow your instincts. You’ll find the support you need to walk your own parenting path.

Find out how you can get involved here.