10 things every pregnant woman must do

First published on Wednesday 12 October 2016 Last modified on Thursday 7 January 2021


From choosing a name to writing a birth plan, there’s lots to keep you occupied for the next nine months. Put the following on top of your list ...

1 See your midwife regularly

When the thin blue line confirms your pregnancy, let your GP know, to get the care you need rolling.

You will have regular antenatal appointments to remember, to ensure that you remain healthy during your pregnancy and baby is developing as it should.

So keep your diary handy!


2 Attend your booking appointment

This all-important appointment happens between eight and 12 weeks.

You’ll see a midwife, sometimes your doctor, and it may happen alongside your first ultrasound scan.

You’ll be given all the information you need about your antenatal care and screening, plus advice on diet, supplements and lifestyle.

Your medical history will be taken, along with blood samples. Go armed with questions!

3 Get your flu jab

Our recent Netmums poll of 2,000 pregnant women found over two-thirds of pregnant women are concerned about getting the flu whilst pregnant.

We caught up with Dr Sara Kayat who explained why the flu jab is so important in pregnancy. Read more here.

During pregnancy, your immune system is naturally weakened which means if you get flu, you’re more at risk of developing serious complications like pneumonia. 

The safest way to protect yourself and your baby from this virus, that can cause serious illness, is to have the free flu vaccine. 

With COVID-19 in circulation this year it’s even more important you are vaccinated for flu.

According to Public Health England, if you get flu and COVID-19 at the same time you could become even more seriously ill.

Fifty percent of pregnant women who took part in our Netmums survey said COVID-19 has had some impact on their decision to have the flu vaccine this year.

However, reassuringly, over three-quarters of pregnant women also felt that they would be able to get the flu jab at a location safe from COVID-19. Dr Kayat explains what safety measures are in place for getting the flu jab.

The flu vaccine is free from the NHS for all pregnant women and studies have shown it’s safe to have at any stage in your pregnancy.

Speak to your GP, pharmacist or midwife about getting your free flu vaccine.

4 Protect your baby from whooping cough

As well as the flu jab, you’ll be offered the whooping cough vaccine by your GP or maternity service from your 20th week of pregnancy.

There’s been a sharp rise in whooping cough cases in recent years, and it can be a very serious illness for young babies, leading to pneumonia, brain damage, and even death.

But have the vaccine, and your antibodies will help protect your baby until they’re given their own vaccination against whooping cough (over three doses at 8, 12 and 16 weeks).

5 Take folic acid …

If you’re not already taking folic acid (vitamin B9) supplements, start now.

You need 400mcg daily, until at least the 12th week of pregnancy, to reduce the risk of your baby developing a neural tube defect, such as spina bifida.

6 … and vitamin D

The latest recommendations are to also take 10mcg of vitamin D daily, as it’s hard to get enough from food (or from sun during winter in the UK).

This is to help keep your bones healthy and provide your baby with enough vitamin D in their first few months.

7 Stay fit and active

Keeping active while pregnant will help you adapt to your changing shape, and cope better with labour (not to mention future lugging of car seats, changing bags, and a baby who’s getting heavier by the day).

Go for regular walks, and if you already exercise and are healthy, keeping up your usual routine is fine for as long as is comfortable.

You can even take up new activities like yoga (but no scuba diving and avoid contact sports like judo and boxing ...)

8 Keep eating healthily

More than ever, you need a balanced, healthy diet.

Don’t eat for two; just choose from a wide variety of foods, and ensure your diet’s based around lots of vegetables and fruit, some starchy carbs, protein and dairy (limiting fatty and sugary foods).

The Eatwell Plate is your best guide.

Don’t eat foods like mould-ripened and blue-veined cheese, raw eggs, unpasteurised milk, raw meat, paté, liver and raw shellfish.

9 Do your Kegels

A toned pelvic floor (PF) is a pregnancy must.

Mastering PF exercises, also known as Kegels, can make birth easier, ease recovery and protect against stress incontinence.

Ask your midwife to explain how. Pilates and yoga teachers are often good sources of tips and techniques, too.

10 Monitor movement

You’ll probably feel the first flutters of your baby moving between 16 and 22 weeks. From weeks 23 to 30 they become more vigorous and you’ll be feeling rolls, kicks, hiccups and punches!

The NHS recommends getting to know your baby’s own movement patterns.

If you’re concerned your baby is not moving as much as normal, sit or lie still, drink a glass of cold water, rub your tummy and talk to them. This should get them active again.

Still worried? See your midwife or doctor without delay.

*Netmums surveyed 731 users between 26 and 27 September 2016.

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