1-year-old baby injections: side effects to expect

First published on Friday 4 June 2021 Last modified on Thursday 17 March 2022

One year old baby getting an injection from a doctor

Find out which side effects you can expect from your baby's 12-month vaccinations, plus how to deal with them.

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Your baby's 1-year injections are an important part of their immunisation schedule, so if they're coming around soon for you then it's time to get prepared!

One thing you might be concerned about at your baby's 12-month vaccinations is side effects. But remember: your baby has been through three rounds of vaccinations already, and chances are you were able to deal with any side effects fairly easily.

Still, it's useful to know what to expect. That's why we've dug into the research from the NHS and other experts, to find out which side effects are common after babies' 1-year injections, and how best to deal with them...


Which injections will your baby have at 1 year?

Your baby will have four vaccines at their 1-year appointment. These are:

  • MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella). This is a combined vaccine, with the first dose taking place at 12 months and the second at three years and four months old.
  • Hib/MenC vaccine (haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C). This combined vaccine contains your child's fourth dose of protection against haemophilus influenzae type b (received in the 6-in-1 vaccine at 8, 12 and 16 weeks old), and their first dose of protection against meningitis C.
  • MenB (3rd dose). This is your child's third dose of the MenB vaccine, called Bexsero, which is first given at 8 weeks and 16 weeks.
  • PCV (pneumococcal vaccine, 2nd dose). Your baby will have had their first dose of PCV at 12 weeks, with their second dose taking place at 12 months.

Your baby's 1-year injections: which side effects to expect

Like with your baby's previous vaccines, it's possible that they may experience some side effects. Of course, every baby reacts differently; some may have no side effects at all, and some may have side effects that are worse or more mild than their peers.

Still, most side effects should only last for a day or two, so you don't need to worry. They're easy to deal with too, with minor medication or a feed being a good solution to most.

You can buy infant paracetamol at Boots –see more details here.

If you came across any tactics that were effective last time your baby had their vaccines, then now is the time to pull them back out! Otherwise, take a look at our advice below...

Side effects after your baby's 1-year injections may include:

  • Sickness. It's possible for your baby to experience sickness after their 12-month vaccinations. This shouldn't last longer than a day or so, so don't worry. You should be able to treat sickness by keeping them hydrated, with smaller and more regular feeds. Plus, keep them as comfortable as possible and they should be OK!
  • Fever. Your baby might have a fever or a temperature over 38ºC after their vaccinations, particularly the MenB injection. You can give your baby infant paracetamol to help curb a fever, as this should reduce their temperature. Plus, you can keep them cool in fewer layers, and keep them hydrated with extra smaller feeds. Learn more about treating a fever in babies.
  • Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is a possibility after your baby's vaccines, so if this happens then make sure they get plenty of rest. You can keep feeding them, and offering smaller, more regular feeds might help. The same goes for if they are sick too.
  • Tiredness and irritability. It's fairly common for babies to feel even more sleepy and irritable after having a vaccination. This shouldn't last long; just make sure they have enough rest and are comfortable. However, if they do seem to be in pain then some liquid infant paracetamol should help.
  • Crying. Of course, it's common for babies to cry after (and probably during) their injections. You can help curb this by keeping them as calm and distracted as possible during their appointment. If they're still crying afterwards, a feed and some cuddles should sort it!
  • Decreased appetite. Following the PCV vaccine, you might notice your child has a slightly reduced appetite. This is a mild side effect and it's only temporary, so your little one should be back to normal within a day or two!
  • Redness or swelling at the site of the injection. Of course, as with any injection, it's possible that your baby might have some temporary redness, swelling and a small bump at the site of the jab. This isn't anything to worry about and it should fade within a day or so.

It's important to note that autism is NOT a possible side effect of your baby's vaccinations, and there is no evidence to suggest links between the two. Although one old study seemed to show a link, there were so many problems with the study that the man who performed it is no longer allowed to work as a doctor in the UK. Studies on many thousands of children since have found no link at all between the MMR vaccine and autism.

Find more information on what to expect from your baby's 12-month vaccinations here, including which vaccines they'll have and how to prepare for the appointment.

Looking for more information on what to expect from your child's 12-month vaccinations? Read our articles below or chat to others in the forum.

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